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Posts posted by james_liu4

  1. <p>I currently shoot Pentax with a fast fifty (and a kit lens I never use, but that's beside the point). So no dis on Pentax, and no dis on in-body stabilization.<br>

    However, if you're going to be shooting pictures of kids, the most important factor will undoubtedly by a fast, unhesitating autofocus system. Canon or Nikon would win that hands down over Pentax. Just buy the cheapest kit camera you can get your hands on, flowers for you wife with what you saved, and be happy. That's it. Really. It's not hard. You don't need our help.<br>

    And for the record, I've taken some really nice pictures of my neighbors's kids with my Pentax, which I and my neighbors are very pleased with. But the autofocus never could keep up with them.<br>

    Congrats about the kid. You'll do great.</p>

  2. <p>I really don't think overkill is a reason to stop using a program, unless the 99% of the program that you're not using is causing your computer to slow down. And if you're willing to swallow the $99 for the features you want, why not? Go on and use the 1% of Lightroom. What's wrong with that? Plenty of people use 1% of Microsoft Office just because it does one thing that nothing else does well - opening Word files without wrecking the formatting.</p>

    <p>Don't let iPhoto partisans bully you into thinking that your way of organizing your files isn't the right way. If you've been doing it for years, and it works for you, then keep doing it. Change that only if it's worth it to you.</p>

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