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Steve Parisi

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Posts posted by Steve Parisi

  1. <p>Everyone, thanks for your input and insight. After reading all the posts, I realized the best thing I could do was actually go the the camera store and try out the various recommendations. In case anyone is curious, I've decided on purchasing the 50 mm 1.4 AND the 85 mm 1.8. I realized the extra expense of the faster lenses I originally thought I needed wasn't warranted for the type of photography I'm pursuing. I think the key is to take pictures with what you have and not worry about what you don't.</p>
  2. <p>Thanks for the early responses. I might need to clarify my question to help with my needs. I will be shooting mostly high school senior portraits outdoors. Most, but not all, of the photos will consist from the waist up. I really want the ability to blurr the background as much as possible. I hope this helps.</p>
  3. <p>I recently purchased the Canon 7D and was interested in either purchasing the Canon EF 85 mm F 1.2 or Canon 50 mm F 1.2 lens. I will be using the lens strictly for location portraits and my subject will be only one person at a time. I'm leaning towards purchasing the 85 mm lens, any suggestions?</p>
  4. <p>I'm interested in taking location portraits with my camera and was wondering if anyone could recommend a flash for my camera. I've read a lot lately about bare bulb flashes and like the fact I could use this type with my wide angle lenses. Do you have any suggestions.</p>


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