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Posts posted by michalrosa

  1. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I don't seem to be able to open 5DII raw files using DPP. When opened in browser mode DPP displays them as blank tiles, when I try to open them directly with DPP I get the following message "Decoding failed. This image is corrupted". The same files open fine in Lightroom/PS.<br>

    I tried different CF cards, I tried saving files directly to the computer, I tried reinstalling DPP - no luck. On the other hand DPP opens my older 400D Raw files without any problems.<br>

    Any ideas what could be wrong/how I can fix it?<br>

    Thanks in advance.<br>



  2. <p>If it's such a good and popular lens why would Canon bother making its own version to compete with a good product and make very little money in the process?<br>

    From business viewpoint it makes more sense to manufacture lenses that don't have direct competition.</p>

  3. <p>Please excuse my total ignorance of all things technical, I'm just curious about the following - with today's (or perhaps tomorrow's) sensor-based image-stabilization technology is it at least theoretically possible to implement some kind of sensor-based tilt-and-shit option. Instead of the sensor moving and trying to compensate for the camera shake would it be possible to move it on purpose, tilting the focal plane of the sensor?<br /> I understand that it would be limited to only a few degrees but surely it would open the world of new possibilities without the need for the very expensive T&S lenses. Just wandering.</p>
  4. <p>Looks like 40D will be discontinued pretty soon and some Canon dealers are really slashing their prices. I've been thinking about upgrading my 400D to 500D (or wait a few months for 60D...) but now it's actually cheaper to get a 40D than 500D (in Australia anyway), would it be a wise move to buy 40D instead of the new 500D (and no, I don't care about any video capabilities)?</p>
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