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Posts posted by ioanis_georgiadis

  1. <p>Thank you Matthew, thank you Tim. Maybe I'll be brave enough to try to fix at least one of the prisms myself...<br>

    Matthew, as concerns the leatherette, I found a seller in eBay that sells leatherette, flexible glues and whatnot and I'll buy the proper glue from him, so this wouldn't be a problem. I can give you the link, but I am not sure if this is permitted in the forum. Anyway you can find it -if interested- by searching "Camera Body Recovering Leatherette Generation 2 New Material promo price!". <br>

    Now, about the fungus. I will try to photograph -what I think is fungus- and post the photo here for evaluation (if one still cares) tomorrow. Please note that the view of the prism is not clouded at all and the fungus is only minor; three or four mm long feather like lines at he two corners of the prism from the viewfinder's side. If I could remove the bottom glass only, I think that I would be able to clean it.<br>

    I also know for sure that only F prisms would fit/match F finders, so no luck there.<br>


    Ioanis (John)</p>

  2. <p>Thank you JDM von Weinberg. Having seen page 28, I wouldn't even think of trying to «repair» them my self… I have been looking for quite sometime now for a decent plain prism and those two mentioned above seemed quite promising. The first one (the one with the rattling noise), I bought with a camera at a very nice price, so I think it's OK. The other one (the one I suspect it has fungus) I bought it boxed and I paid over 300 US$ (the seller said it is in pristine condition, and it really looks so). I would have returned the item to the seller, but I also paid 61 EURO for import taxes… I guess I am stuck (perhaps I would get a partial refund)… I'll keep looking for a nice one though. Thank you once again.</p>
  3. I have recently acquired two Nikon F plain prisms. The first one makes a rattling noise when off camera with no other apparent problem

    and the second one has some feather-like spots that look like fungus to me which could possibly be cleaned. Has any body opened such

    a prism before? Would it be easy to do this my self? Any instruction manuals available? Thank you for your time.

  4. <p>Has anybody had any experience with Nikon <em><strong>D800E</strong></em> sensor cleaning? I have seen many related videos in YouTube, read as many articles as I could find, I own all the necessary equipment (cleaning kits, magnifying loops etc although I have no experience in sensor cleaning as I have never had to clean a sensor before), but I am still hesitant, as I couldn't find any specific post on the D800E sensor cleaning... If somebody does have any experience with a D800E sensor cleaning, would you please share it with us? (D800E has no anti-aliasing filter, but I am sure that the actual sensor is not exposed but covered with some kind of glass - in fact, I vaguely remember reading somewhere, that there is an anti-aliasing filter and another one on top of it, that cancels it - Could this be true? in which case cleaning a D800E would be like cleaning any other camera...)</p>
  5. <p>@Joe Smith<br>


    (I downloaded ver 2.5.1 twice from different sites. I checked the exe files. They were identical).<br>

    My first attempt to upgrade (with a full installation exe file, not an upgrade) was with View NX 2 ver. 2.5.0 installed. Couldn't upgrade. Version 2.5.0 remained on my computer.<br>

    I uninstalled ver. 2.5.0. Run the installation (again, this was a full installation exe file of ver 2.5.1, not an upgrade) again. Nothing installed.<br>

    Tried previous versions. Nothing installed.<br>

    Uninstalled Nikon Message Center.<br>

    Tried the installation again. Only Nikon Message Center was installed.<br>

    Then when I tried once again -to my astonishment- View NX 2, ver. 2.5.1 was installed successfully. I believe it was because of some sort of Stack Overflow, that went away when some background processes released resources as <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=977463">Frank Skomial</a> pointed out. Thanks Frank.<br>

    The above is an outline of my actions. In between many tries of installing the software, I run a registry cleaner and rebooted several times. </p>

    <p>Hope this helps.</p>

  6. <p>GUESS WHAT!<br>

    After finishing this post, I tried to install once again (tried more than 10 times before) and voila! it installed successfully... WITHOUT CHANGING ANYTHING IN MY COMPUTER!<br>

    Go figure!<br>

    My first thought was to delete the above post, but on a second thought, I decided to leave it posted and hear your opinions.<br>


  7. <p>I have a Toshiba Satellite with Intel Core i7 CPU Q740 @ 1.73 GHz with 8,00 GB of RAM (64-bit) running Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1.<br /><br />I had Nikon View NX2 ver. 2.5.0 installed and running without any problems. Then I tried to upgrade to ver. 2.5.1. During the installation, there popped up 3 times a window that had "1158:" as a message and a OK button, which I pressed as there was no other choice. Then the whole installation went through until it said "finished successfully", but the version remained 2.5.0.<br /><br />I then uninstalled ver. 2.5.0, removed the View NX 2 directory manually, run a registry cleaner, rebooted, and tried to install again, but to no avail. The same window popped up again 3 times, I pressed OK, the installation continued and reported success, but nothing was installed. Now I cannot even install previous versions... I tried every suggestion I found on the Internet about this problem, but still no success... I even uninstalled Nikon Message Center 2 and run the installation again. Still the same, only this time Nikon Message Center was installed successfully, but not View NX 2. <br /><br />Please also note, that I am a registered user of Camera Control Pro 2 and Capture NX 2 and these programs updated successfully without any problem.<br>

    Can you help?<br>


  8. <p>I have been using Nikon Camera Control Pro v 2, DIYPhotoBits, Nikontrol 3K and yesterday I downloaded ControlMyNikon trial. I didn't have any problems with my Antivirus programs (Avast Internet Security 2011 + Malwarebytes). The program is -in my opinion- a photographer's "dream come true". Just see the tutorials posted on the site, download and install the trial and find out for yourself.<br>

    However, I wonder why there are NO reviews in the Internet. This program, with such a low price tag, is really a give-away! It does what all other programs do and then some.<br>

    On YouTube, the author of the program (a Canadian, aged 46, named Russ B) has a channel (nikstacker from May 2009) with only 14 members! Considering that this program is around for more than a year, would anybody care to comment on the program's very low profile?<br>

    In my opinion this program is a star, so much so, that every Nikon user should have one.</p>


    <p >Russ B, if you're reading this, please comment! Your program is the perfect software for tethered shooting. If you also consider that it can do software focus stacking, plus be voice controlled (or sound, or web etc) then it is UNIQUE!</p>

    <p >PS</p>

    <p >This is also what I found in dpreview:</p>

    <p ><em>Remote control of your D7000 via your computer for only $10 which seems to be a overall better package than the one Nikon sells for $140 or whatever it is.</em><br>

    <em>There is a trial available here:</em><br /><em><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.controlmynikon.com/" target="_blank">http://www.controlmynikon.com/</a></em><br>

    <em>If I had a D7000 (in for repair) I might try it with a notebook. Needs a reviewer.</em></p>

    <p ><em>Mack</em></p>


  9. <p>I noticed the following:<br>

    If I mount Nikkor 50mm 1:1.4D on Nikon D200 and the Focus Mode Selector is either in S or C mode, the focusing ring of the lens locks and will not turn (of course it turns freely on M). However, if I mount the same lens on my newly acquired Nikon D700, the focusing ring of the lens turns (with only minor resistance), even in S or C mode (and freely on M). Is that a malfunction of the D700 or is it normal? Did I managed to damage D700 already (only 70 pictures taken) or the lens? Could someone, please, test the setup and inform me accordingly?<br>


    Either than that, the lens seems to work perfectly on both cameras, focusing as it should.</p>

  10. <p>Roy,<br /> All technical problems are very well addressed by all who contributed an answer. Here is my account of looking at the 50/1.4 (I own one! I also own 2 Canon 50/1.2 FD both new and old and 4 Canon 50/1.4 FD lenses):<br /> <em>I find holding such lenses wide open in my hands and JUST EXAMINING them by letting light through their elements, (sometimes even using a magnifying lens), MOST REWARDING, EXHILARATING and THOUGHT PROVOKING experience... In fact I do that quite often (usually before going to sleep)...</em><br>

    Oh! well, It's only me... Just a thought!<br>

    PS<br /> I look forward to buying a Nikon 85/1.4 and the older 50/1.2 or even a Nikon NOCT if my funding condition ever permits...<br>


    YES! I DO take pictures with them (In fact I use CANON and NIKON lenses on both CANON and NIKON bodies interchangeably (mostly for MACRO work with adapters) - with all well known limitations of course<br>


    NO! I don't sleep with them...</p>

  11. <p>If money is not a problem (Ok! Ok! I say "IF") which one of the 4 lenses mentioned below is better (sharper?) for portrait photography?<br>

    Nikon AF 85mm f/1.4D<br>

    Nikon AF 105mm f/2.0 DC/Nikon AF 135mm f/2.0 DC<br>

    Nikon AF-S 105mmf/2.8 VR G (Macro)<br>

    I realize of course that all the above are different lenses to one another, and all can be used for portrait photography, but which one is the best (If such a question can be asked...)<br>

    All of you, lucky enough to own the above, please comment.<br>


    Reading Ken Rockwell didn't help me reach a decision, it rather makes me want to buy all 4 of them! (or at least 3) and I am sorry to say that money IS a MAJOR problem...</p>

  12. <p>I recently acquired a brand new Nikon Teleconverter TC-201 (NTC) and it works well with my Nikkor 100-300mm f5.6 lens. I also own a Nikon Lens Scope Converter (NLSC) and I want to know if it is safe to use NTC with the NLSC. I know that Ken Rockwell advises that: <strong>"It (TC-201) works well with the Nikon Lens Scope converter to double the magnification", </strong> but I want to make sure, as in my opinion it is possible for the protruding part of the NLSC to marginally touch the real lens of the NTC. I admit that I mounted it once and it didn't seem to pose any problems, but, -as I said- I want to make sure, because I cannot afford a scratched real element. Can anybody help?</p>
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