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l i g h t p o e t

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Posts posted by l i g h t p o e t

  1. <p>Hello, everybody<br>

    Dear Juan, thanks a lot for your take on this. I cannot really tell, looking into the camera body, whether the mirror is blocking the sensor.... And it is not under warranty any more....... Anyways, apart from this issue (appearing only during long exposure shots) the camera works well so I guess I will simply not use it for this kind of application..... Also, it has become a backup body as I have acquired its very promissing successor, so it is much less of a concern now...<br>

    Thank you all once again for your precious help.<br>

    Have a nice day<br>


    <p> </p>

  2. <p>room temperature shot:<br>

    I've just tested my camera at room temperature. <strong>No, the greenish band does not appear at room temperature! </strong><br>

    But can anybody please tell me what exactly does that mean. What causes then the phenomenon to appear when shooting outdoor? Is my camera malfunctioning or is it normal?<br>

    Thank you very much.</p>


  3. <p>Lately I have been getting a strange greenish band on the photos from my 5D (mark I).<br>

    What I get looks like that: http://www.photo.net/photo/8366354</p>

    <p>Any idea what this might be? The longer the exposure, the more obvious the phenomenon. So I'm wondering has it something to do with the sensor heating up during exposure? Some kind of condensation on the glass protecting the sensor, perhaps? What do you think? Thank you in advance.</p>

    <p><img src="../photo/8366354" alt="" /></p><div>00RlH4-96651684.jpg.71edb0e305910bbd0088287fd4511983.jpg</div>

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