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Posts posted by christopher_drost

  1. <p>Rishi.<br>

    Apologies, i was tired - long day and long night - thought i had JPG+RAW set and it was only JPG that it was recording. AgreeD the blotchies are icky. I thought maybe it had to do with the high ISO, the cold and my car windshield.<br>

    Will recreate and be sure RAW is enabled (normally is but I wanted both JPG and RAW for the test).</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>i upgraded the last night - popped a 50 f/1.4 and went for a drive. ended up getting called by the office and had to scrub the planned test shoot (6 client projects on the go). did however roll off a bunch of shots from the car while driving home... this is a totally crap pic but i selected it from the dozen i shot as it has lots of little lights in the distance. not sure about the purple glow around some of the lights but I attribute it to shooting through my car windshield. was also -15 outside with a strong wind so stopping and rolling down the window wasn't a good option either.<br>

    ISO3200 f/1.4 - full resolution JPG direct from DCIM folder<br>



  3. <p>i took the 5Dm2 and a 400 f/5.6 prime to the waterfront here in toronto to shoot the city's skyline to test this issue a bit further.   being -10 degrees celcius on the lake, it was a little chilly to say the least but did manage to knock off a few tests both JPG and RAW.  I've yet to examine the raw files in depth as I need to still install DPP for the 5dm2 or ACR update (on the list of things to do today) but from the JPG's I can determine that the problem starts surfacing at ISO400.  It's "slightly" evident at ISO100 - not there at all ISO50....<br /> this is a super close crop from ISO400... trivial maybe but still to me indicates an issue.<br /> <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3178/3086348331_83277cff79_o.jpg" alt="ISO 400 black splotches" width="278" height="185" /> <br /> For the full shot at different ISOs  go here:</p>


    <p><br /> Interestingly, its evident on one ISO3200 shot but the following ISO3200 with high ISO noise redux set to ON it was not evident.   JPG's have been posted full res, untouched direct from the DCIM folder with links to download the full res shot.  The link above will take you to a private set on flickr - hover your mouse over the skyline shots which will identify what ISO they are.</p>

    <p><br /> also this astro photog has reproduced it here:</p>

    <p> Canon 5D Mark II 2; 'Black Dots' reproduced

    <p>and more seriously with this shot on a car:</p>

    <p> dots3

  4. well holy bat guano in july - i'd been looking 100% at the brighter spots, not the smaller ones between the trailers. take a look at the 400ISO posted shot i have - it's very prevalent. that's native JPG by the way, unprocessed straight from the DCIM folder.


    oh this is gonna be interesting....

  5. I have been using the 5DMark2 for well over a week now and have yet to see the black dot issue that's been

    surfacing recently. Mind you I have been shooting JPG as I didn't have the extra workflow time required to

    convert to DNG and have to upgrade to CS4... call it laziness to install DPP maybe. This issue however is making

    me curious....


    Have been doing some extensive tests at night - running the full gambit of ISO and seriously have not seen

    anything remotely close to what's been appearing. I will go out tonight and try shooting some bright/dark scenes

    RAW to test it out however.


    This is the flickr link to all the test shots with links to view in full resolution as posted.




    They're nothing special - just test night shots in a tow truck pound as well as some test video.

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