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Posts posted by jake_bryant

  1. Ray,


    If it were to be a MF 645, I'd take both a film back and digital..... Yes the size of neg is further away from the 4x5

    unfortunately. But really I'm questioning the quality of the 67 Voigtlander as a suitable alternative to the 54. Mamiya is a

    option of course, as would be a Fuji 69.

  2. <p>View cameras I'm familiar with, but will not have a long time on every shot. MF SLR is a option, maybe a Phase One..... But the RF is so nice with Portra 400 Id take one anyway if I brought a MF with me. Nonetheless, it depends on how much better a 4x5 would be instead of a RF or MF SLR..... </p>
  3. <p>I'm having difficulty in deciding which would be a better choice to take to Antarctica for landscapes and portraits. The output size of the prints will be about 50 inches. Even though the 5x4 will be superior quality, the practicalities of the very portable Voiglander Bessa III 667 would be a advantage.<br>

    What do ye'all think?</p>

  4. <p>I've got the opportunity to buy a CF 39 back for my 503cw. I was going to move over to the H system when this option arose, so now am pondering the balance. However, now I'm wondering what the big difference is between the CF39 to the CFV 39?</p>
  5. <p>Dave, the sweet spot is about right regarding the 40mm on the D3. I find it to be a perfect focal length for full length portraits. My 85mm is great for head and shoulders of course, and with my 24-70, I usually find I'm shooting at 38mm- ish for full lengths. The 40mm just seems perfect somehow.</p>
  6. Theodoros, I agree with Paul wholeheartedly, it's better to ignore those who are belligerent in their posts, there's always



    Marc, this is right about what these tools can do in the hands of photographers. But I think it' becomes a problem when

    the marketing strategy for 'reducing a fluid competitive secondhand market', for these great tools, gets people's goat.

  7. Yes I agree, I have avoided buying A P1 or H system due to the changing goal posts in the MF market. Just easier to

    hire them for certain jobs. But my V system should have a D back at some stage, which I hope to can enjoy for years and

    years without the ball ache of throw away digital products. Mobile phone companies are masters at marketing

    upgrades. I understand this reasoning for business but using similar tactics for high grade pro MF cameras is a shame.


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