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Image Comments posted by anthony_flores



    Tore,  I always enjoy your work.  This is my favorite of your models.  If I'm not mistaken, you've been shooting her for several years.  You both just keep getting better.  I might come to Sweden in December, perhaps we can go on a photo expedition.

    Cheers, and keep up the good work.


    Tore, as always, this is great work! This is my favorite of your models too. Great use of depth of field, I LOVE the lighting, hair, makeup and expression. Your work continues to get better and better, and I look forward to seeing more from you.

    Sexy in the Pool


    Well, God knows my work is far from perfect, so take from this what is useful :)


    You've done a great job here. I can't really fault anything. I might have done things differently, but that doesn't mean my way is the "right" way, LOL! I love the colors, your exposure is right on the money and the pose is HOT! (and so is your friend, if she's single and likes dirty old men, send her my way ;)


    Based on what I know now, here is what I would have done differently:


    Lowered the camera angle to be at eye level with the model. "Looking down" on here makes here appear a bit diminutive, and it's slightly condescending. Plus eye level is more flattering to her.


    You shot this at f7.1 and a 35mm focal length (the EXIF data was confusing, it might have been 52mm), and it appears, a white reflector card. What I would have done is shoot at f5.4 (or even have chosen a lens that could do 3.5 or wider) to soften the background substantially to isolate the girl and have stood farther away and used a 150 - 200mm focal length to be more flattering to the subject.


    My PERSONAL preference for lighting this type photo is a 7' photoflex Octodome about 15 feet away, and a gold reflector. It provides a very natural, soft keylight, and the reflector provides a bit of a warm tone to break up the softness.


    That having been said, it's a FINE photograph as it is.




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