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Posts posted by kevin_smith35

  1. One thing I hadn't considered was being 86'ed out of some venues or denied entry because of a large "professional

    looking" camera & lens. I have a Canon 40D with the kit 18-135mm lens. I didn't think it was extra odinary, but the

    security wouldn't let me in to the Ringling Bros. Circus. I went & got my Canon S3-IS ( I should have put on my 50

    f/1.8 and smuggled in the bigger lens). We do try to keep situational awareness when we are in dodgy areas. No

    point in having the "Mug me" sign attached. We just got a Tamron 28-300XR Di f/3.5-6.3 lens with stabilization. It

    compacts pretty well at the 28 end and is pretty light. I certainly looks friendly when extended to the 300mm end of

    the spectrum. It is noisier than the Canon lens, but I wanted more reach for the sports fields. the IQ will not be up

    to "L" standards, but it is in our price range. My wife got me an early Christmas present at the Photo Expo in San


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