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Image Comments posted by jeff_rennicke



    It is difficult to capture the blaze of colors in lupines, for me, because

    just as with autumn leaves it is so much. I tried to reduce it to one

    group of flowers and swatches of color. What do you think?


    I like this one better as well. There is always much maligning of things being too "centered" and generally I agree that moving a subject off center can add a sense of tension but frankly when it comes to flowers you don't want "tension". In fact you want the opposite: a feeling of calm and gentleness. With the black background, there is little to be gained by moving it off center frame. I think in a shot like this what is more important is the depth of field. The soft focus work well here because of the detail of the center target of the flower (don't know the botanical terms -- pistol? stamen?), the uniform color of the bulk of the petals, and the red tips to help draw the eye. I would have liked the red-tips of the petals at the bottom edge of the flower to be sharper to act as a kind of "border-within-a border" for the flower but that is something I struggle with in extremely thin depth of field shots as well. Does it say anywhere what f-stop you shot this at? I am assuming 5.6. If there is anything distracting to my eye it is the red stem faintly showing at the upper left corner. Some composition guru's would say that is a good line because it is an "exit line" that draws the eye out of the picture. Again, in some shots that can be good but to me, I don't want my eye to leave the flower so why should there be an "exit line"? Have you thought of removing it? I love the stem line below the flower. That one makes sense. Anyway, just my thoughts. Nice work. By the way, I am a writer for magazines like National Geographic Traveler, Reader's Digest and others. I am currently working on a story on Scotty's Castle in Death Valley NP and enjoyed your photographs of it as well. Good work.


    wow. I love this kind of image -- simple and spectacular. You've caught a moment in time, a moment of beauty, which is what photography is all about to me. good job.
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