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Posts posted by jdavidellis

  1. Six months ago I switched from a 10D to a 5D and found the 5D autofocus is awful. It makes more mistakes than the 10D autofocus which is a two-year older technology. The autofocus rectangles are clumped into a small part of the 5D's large viewing area, making them mostly useless on a tripod, where the object of interest is rarely at viewfinder center. Canon have not updated the autofocus in the 5D2. If you're strictly doing landscape photography, as you have stated, and will never use the 5D2 with a moving subject, this autofocus problem may be moot.


    Time permitting, I plan to dump the Canon bodies and a bunch of Canon 2.8L lenses, then switch to the Nikon D3 which has an excellent autofocus. But I don't concentrate on landscape photography and my prints are always smaller than 16x20.


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