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gabriel vidrean

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Posts posted by gabriel vidrean

  1. <p>i own a d80 and i can say that is still a good camera but think also that you will need some good lenses to go along (35mm,50mm ,85 mm work great on d80) so if the money are not flowing in you might want a d40/d40x with some lenses with at least f:2.8 (as the d40/d40x doesn't have internal af you'll need to use manual focus with some lenses but fortunate not with all of them).<br>

    i support the d80 but don't think that the other models mentioned won't do their job.think for what you'll use the camera mostly and consider all the thing that you''ll need: camera body,lenses,flash,filters,tripod...<br>

    good luck !</p>

  2. <p>I had a d60 before i 've upgraded to d80....bottom point,it is a decent choice.if you can try it a little bit before you'll buy it,you'll see if it will suits your needs.basically,you can use the same lenses in both cameras (with same minuses from d60 regarding af),same flashes,same cards...good luck.</p>
  3. <p>I have the d60 and i am happy with it.i knew from the very beginning what were the good parts and the bad parts.so it doesn't have af,so what ? at first no camera has af and pictures were great.i don't remember ansel adams using any af on his cameras....really,if you don't do this for a living then d60 will suit your needs just fine;or save a little more and buy d80 or d90.with the right amount of light and a clean lens you can get pretty good images.before you buy anything decide what you want from a camera and see if you'll be satisfied what what d60,d80 or d90 has, then buy it.good luck!</p>
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