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Posts posted by phuduc

  1. <p>Thanks for the replies. Going with the panasonic ts3 given the price and numerous reviews. I'll still bring the d700 but in a dry bag for photos along the way not in the water.</p>
  2. <p>I am planning on going to kauai to hike, snorkel and take pictures. I am researching what the best options would be for a waterproof option would be. I have found the ewa-marine waterproof cases for my nikon d700. cost about 350-400 depending on model. The other option is getting the panasonic ts3 point and shoot which is waterproof $300 or getting one of the canon g12 or s95s paired with the hard plastic case ($5-650). I won't be diving and taking photos so this is mostly for the napali coast hike, messing around at waterfalls and in the surf and snorkeling.<br>

    all have their pros and cons. nikon w case is bulky and i don't know how easy it is to get the camera in and out of the case. the panasonic doesn't shoot in raw or allow manual settings and supposedly has slightly inferior image quality to canons i'm looking at. canon option is most expensive. Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks</p>

  3. <p>I didn't try to copy files to the drive. Only copy files from it (its the original photo drive) to any other drive. The drive was formatted appropriately; GUID table and mac os x journaled.<br>

    Yes, the drive is usable otherwise and working fine with lightroom 2 and photoshop cs4. i even tried copying other types of files, word, mp3 to no avail. I just rebooted my system and the drive is now working. (can't believe I didn't try this earlier). hopefully I can copy everything over before something else happens. I've had horrible problems with the seagate free agent firewire and the imac. this is the last straw. time to look at a new hd. thanks for the help.</p>

  4. <p>I recently bought a new ext hd to use as a backup and clone. I went to copy my photo library from my existing ext hd to the new one but it won't allow me to. I tried using super duper and then just simply dragging and dropping. Has anyone had this happen to them as well? it says there's an error-50. couldn't find anything in the mac forums about this error. I'm using snow leopard and all the images are imported using adobe LR2. Thanks</p>
  5. <p>I'm headed to Maui for 4 days and wanted to get any advice for interesting points to shoot at. We're staying on the west side of the island for a couple of days and then I was going to head to Hana the last day for waterfalls and hiking. I don't think we have time to make it up to the north side of the island. Tentatively I was planning on shooting sunrise/sunset south of Wailea-Makena 2 days (where we're staying), going to laihana for another sunset outing, Hana for the day and sunset and sunrise near paia before we fly out. Any recommendations would be great, thanks.</p>
  6. <p>I have a quick question. when I select my favorite photos after importing in, to add to a collection to edit. It duplicates or makes a virtual copy and places them in the original folder in lightroom. so say I start with 100 shots and select out 10 to edit, when I finish, my folder has expanded to 110. Granted they are virtual copies and are not supposed to have a major impact on hard drive space but it is annoying to scroll through multiple duplicates. does this slow down lighroom 2 or should i not worry about it too much.</p>
  7. <p>thanks for the replies. its too late to get a remote release for my next trip but will look into it for the future. hopefully depressing the shutter each time won't cause too much disturbance for hdr.</p>
  8. <p>I don't know if the d700 can do this or not but I am trying to learn more about hdr photography. I know that you can setup the d700 to mirror up and then depress the shutter button again to take the photo to minimize shake and get sharper images for landscapes. With regards to hdr and bracketing. can you set the d700 to mirror up and have it automatically blast off 3 shots for an hdr image or is it better to take each shot individually, thanks. i hope I explained my question adequately.</p>
  9. <p>Thanks for the replies. I'm looking into Morroco and Egypt as my wife and I have never been there and it may be similar to India in terms of amazing subject material. Regarding Burma, doesn't the US state department not even recognize it as a legitimate government or something along those lines? It's unfortunate as I've seen amazing photos from there. Maybe that's changed.</p>
  10. <p>This is a very open ended question. I'm starting a new job in jan 2011 and have 2 weeks inbetween jobs. i'm looking for recommendations for places to travel and do some photography. I had been planning on doing cambodia and thailand but am worried about the political unrest. I shoot everything but really like landscapes and color. Most recently I was in Antelope Canyon which was fantastic and highly recommended. I've been to places like thailand, india, argentina and switzerland. I liked the subject matter in india the most because of the unusual architecture, colorful clothes and scenery but want to go somewhere different. Doesn't have to be international (I live in the US). Thanks in advance for the suggestions.</p>
  11. <p>Hi, I'm looking to print a photo book for my most recent vacation. In the past I've used apple and blurb. With apple, the colors and brightness seem closer to what I see on my monitor (imac). Blurb, they seem flat, darker and desaturated. The price difference between the two are pretty significant. I am looking at a 80-100 pg photo book. I looked at the blurb website and stumbled upon their recommendation of using CYMK rather then sRGB.<br>

    My question is how would I batch convert all the pics I want to CYMK using either lightroom 2 or PS3? I've already done my edits in LR2 so when I switch to CYMK, will this require me to tweak and readjust all my pictures again? Looking on the forum, it looks like some people use PS3 and make pdfs to make photo books. I assume that would take a long time until you've built up some templates. I've seen recommendations for asuka books but their website looks like its for professionals only. Any advice would be great, though I am leaning towards one of the online sites so that I can put the book together a little quicker. thanks.</p>

  12. <p>I'm headed on vacation with my family and wanted slightly better portraits when we're out and about. I've been looking at getting a reflector to bounce some sunlight off of to take away the shadows under the eyes. Will a 22" be enough to light 3-4 people up? I figure they're not too expensive, pretty light and have heard they're useful. I also have a SB600 to maybe bounce the light off the reflector as well, (at night?) thanks.</p>
  13. <p>Peter, Sounds like you use a similar technique. When I press alt, the brush "circle" becomes a target like it normally should to sample. When I release the option key, it reverts back to the brush icon "circle" but when I move to an area to clone over the entire image moves with my cursor. I've checked and it moves in all directions. I've been working on a couple more photos since this afternoon and it is still problematic. It is occasionally messing up as well without layers.<br>

    David, I have a mac, I don't press the control key during the process and this is happening on both my imac and macbook. And i've checked, the alt/option key seems to be working fine. I guess I'll try to talk to adobe but was hoping for a solution instead of a 45min telephone call. I'd be ok with it if the original solution was still working but it seems to be touch and go so not sure what the problem is.</p>

  14. <p>Thanks at least that is working. Its weird though, when I click on the layer with the source picture when I move my cursor over to the pallette, the entire picture still moves. I'll use this as a stop gap for now. In the video, somehow the clone stamp pulls the pixels from the source picture and overlays it where the cursor is on the new layer, It removes the steps of having to go back to the layers palette each time.</p>
  15. <p>I am trying to learn how to use photoshop and found a podcast from photofocus re: clone stamp and layers. I've followed the instructions with no avail. I made a new layer on top of my background but when I try to sample with the clone stamp and release it does not copy. It turns it into a move tool where I move the layer on top of the background. When I click, it seems to be randomly selecting areas to clone to. Can anyone help? I've made sure that the mode is on normal, decent brush size, using current and below layer, 100% opacity. what am i doing wrong.<br>

    When I clone on top of just my background, the clone stamp works fine. I'm simply trying to do the cloning on a new layer as it sounds like it is a better avenue to use so that if I make a mistake it doesn't destroy the original, thanks</p>

  16. <p>Thanks for the response. I am bringing just the 2 bodies and 2 lenses and flash and tripod for the trip. should be all i need. It doesn't sound like the inserts may work. I'm not sure the difference between a shoulder bag and a messenger bag but I was planning on using a patagonia critical mass bag which i think is considered a messenger bag.</p>
  17. <p>Has anyone used domke inserts in a non-camera bag? I currently have a d90 and am thinking about getting a d700 for travel. I will be lugging those bodies with a sb600 and a couple of filters most of the time. sunrise and sunset i'll also have a tripod as well. I'm hoping the inserts into my current messenger bag will end my search for the ever illusive perfect camera bag. How big of an insert would I need for a 70-200 attached to the d90 and a 24-70 to the d700? There are no domke dealers where I live so I will have to buy from b&h or adorama. Thanks.</p>
  18. <p>Thanks for the replies. I didn't realize it was going to be about 10 f stops. I'll try the one filter for now. I tend to forget that photography is all about light and that cameras can see much more then we can. Hoping to blur people out of sunrise and sunset shots.</p>
  19. <p>Does anyone have experience with ND filters on the Nikon 24-70? I looked on bhphoto and the strongest filter they offer is a B&W 3 ND filter for around 80 bucks but is not the thin type. I was thinking about stacking 2 or using one and a polarizer to get more motion blur during daytime. I'm worried about stacking 2 filters and vignetting, thanks.</p>
  20. <p>thanks for the feedback. Looks like I'll be lugging lots of stuff around again. Maybe the tripod will stay at home but we were planning on going to the beach a couple of days and figured that it would be good to have. I guess I'm settled on having my 12-24, 24-70, 70-200 and 50. Yeah, its not like I'll be there. Guess I'll have to see if my family will be willing to shoulder some of the burden.<br>

    Marios, yes it was your portfolio that I stumbled upon. Your shots are incredible. I'm hoping to capture some images like you were able to. Are you professional? Everyone I've shown your site thinks they're fantastic. do you mind me asking where did you go? I am currently planning my trip and we are looking to book one of those semi private tours. There are a total of 5 of us and we want to see as much as we can without feeling rushed. We'll probably spend a day or 2 at each stop. Obviously we were going to Saigon, Hanoi, Hue, Nha trang. thanks for sending the link again.</p>

  21. <p>Hi, I'm headed to Vietnam flying into Saigon and heading north to Hanoi. I wanted some advice on what lenses to bring. I have a nikon d90. My last trip, I brought along a ton of lenses and this was way too heavy for my back as I also had my tripod with me. So I was thinking this trip to have 50 and 18-200? Most people I show pictures to, always say they're great and beautiful despite what lens I used. (Maybe they're too nice as a lot of the stuff on photo.net is incredible and i don't think I have as good work.) So is this in part from me having a better camera and lens combo then before? I'd like to be able to sell some stuff at some point and it seems that what I like best is from my heavy lenses. While this is a family trip, I want to have some keepers to hopefully sell. Regarding weight issues, I feel that just my 12-24, 24-70 and 70-200 is doable all day but if I add on the tripod then that's where things get a bit dicey. If anyone has recommendations for a backpack that can carry most of this stuff, that would be great as well.<br>

    As i mentioned, we were going to fly into Saigon and head to Hanoi. Maybe last year or 2 years ago, I saw a photo gallery by someone who had traveled to Vietnam and he had incredible pictures. I can't find the link anymore searching in the travel forum. What's the best way to search for this? Just looking at galleries for inspiration and ideas, thanks.</p>

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