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Posts posted by alexander-gardner.smugmug.

  1. <p>Here's my boy Kody. The best darn dog on god's green earth.<br>

    <img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/554529197_odxEe-M-2.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /><br>

    Here's Pokie. He's actually the world's most affectionate cat and in this shot he's kicking back in the only place he seems to occupy. ;)<br>

    <img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/529648647_3bTvh-M-2.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /><br>

    New kittens, Lilly and Murray. They've made friends with the Gippsland panther who comes along most days of the week into Melbourne's great South East suburbs to use their litter tray. I've yet to meet this fella. ;)</p>

    <p><img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/626613512_A6dwM-M-1.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="450" /> <img src="http://alexander-gardner.smugmug.com/photos/626627168_FrrZk-M-1.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="400" /></p>

  2. <p><!-- --><br>

    William brings about a brilliant point.<br>

    Don't discount yourself. I've, on the odd occasion in other fields of business have chucked a freebie toward someone. I make mention of my full charge for the job then iterate my reason for no charge or an amount to cover costs. In the vast majority of cases I'd have that one free offer come back and pay itself threefold because I was refered for the great work.<br>

    People in boating are a little different and understanding than photographers vs the public after all you don't just suck on a hose full of air when you're cleaning a hull whereas the public's perception of photography is point and click and an hour for development. ;)<br>

    In this case you haven't done so however you need to empathize that her brother's wedding was a matter of circumstance. If you were to offer her a package with her "offering" to cover your costs I would do so but not expect anything in return.<br>

    Take a little lesson from this encounter and move on. Don't discount yourself, if you don't reflect confidence in your work's worth then people will never see that value.</p>

    <p> </p>

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