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Image Comments posted by nicolebranan

  1. WOW, this entire series is stunning but I think I like this photo the best. The intense red tree to the left makes this shot really stand out. The colors are absolutely amazing; very well captured!

    Sun & Shade


    Ooooh, I love this photo. The ripples make the sand look like silk and the bronze and golden tones are beautiful. Also great composition with the almost exclusively triangular elements. Great capture!

  2. I don't think there is too much blue here :-)! love the symmetry and the fact that the water and the sky are almost identical in color makes this shot look mysterious. Well done!

  3. I can never get enough of crepuscular light! This is a beautiful shot and I know it's not easy to capture this type of light even with a DSLR, so hats off to you for doing that with a point-and-shoot (and PS) :-).

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