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Image Comments posted by seineriver

  1. I was on the trolley tour around Cambridge and Boston. City hall in a

    beautiful sunny day captured my attention. I barely have enough time to

    quickly frame and shoot when sitting on the fast moving trolley.

    Montreal street


    I was walking along the street of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The high

    part of the city appears at the end of the road gave me a very classic

    feeling. Critiques are welcome.

    Old time


    This photo gave me the feeling of the country of Vietnam in 16-18th

    century. Hence I used sepia. During that time, in every village, you

    may find a lotus pond with small fishing tents along the bank.

    Tranquil moment


    I took this one in the Tu Duc's mausoleum during my trip to Hue, the

    once upon a time capital of Vietnam. Tu Duc was one of the last few

    kings. This trip and this place brought me very peaceful moments.

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