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Posts posted by steph_ryan

  1. Oh, Garry. I'm sorry. I don't want to buy more stuff. I'm just dense. The truth is I have read tons on this site and others and it doesn't click for me. I read about posing and try it and I've got it. But I'm just not comprehending and retaining what I read on the equipment. I used to think I was somewhat intelligent. Let me clarify, I have read every manual I own and most twice. I've bought and frequently refer to cheat sheets. I have brought home tons of books from library & devoured. Thruthfully, due to time and home issues w/a sick kid, I've been unable to attend the two classes I enrolled often enough or finish the stack of books I've got. Seriously, any free time I have for the last 2 years is trolling online mainly this site but others too.


    The way I see it is I may have the fever but my learning curve is fairly flat. I'm going to get it eventually but there are so many things. Now b/c others like what is only my best work. I'm backed into this corner to do this. I'm freaking out b/c I know I'm not consistent b/c I don't get the basics.


    Please don't give up. I liked your answer but I didn't understand what you meant when you said

    Advice 2. Forget about on camera flashguns and continuous lighting, neither of which is suitable for your purpose. Use the kit you already have and use your budget to learn how to use it.


    The strobe I got for $20 doesn't have a manual & I just don't know exactly what you mean by my "kit" the body & lens and how I can take good portraits without anyother light source. Especially the group shots of moving kids. I want & VALUE your advice. I'm sure it's on point but I'd appreciate if you'd break it down more for me.


    Now they wanted the pics on next Monday & I insisted that I needed more time. But, I'm still afraid I can't work FT, raise 2 kids, and learn everything I need to know. So, I guess I'm asking you not to give up but to give me the easiest solution and way out.

  2. Okay, thanks for all the knowledgeable replies. I couldn't hope for more.


    So I think the majority is saying buy a 2nd umbrella & stand. But, I don't get what I'm putting in it. The used strobe that I can't set and/or the Vivitar? Does that work as a slave? Do I just use trial & error on it's settings w/the 580 to get it right?


    Gary N-If I put my 580EXii in there, how will I get it to fire w/out a master or transmitter?

    Bob- I can't figure out how to set the strobe, there are no buttons other than a test & sync cord plug which of course, it didn't come with the cord.


    Why am I skeptical that buying another flashgun is going to simplify it and all I have to do is put it on a stand. What do others think of JRs idea?

  3. I have decent equip but no expertise. I want advice on getting a cheap light kit that isn't garbage.


    The background story is I take pics of my own kids and share online. We're involved at church and it's

    non-profit Kid Center. I shared pics I took and now have been elected to take portraits this year. (We had a pro

    last year but no budget this year!) B-ball went fine b/c I used natural light. But, in two weeks I'll be taking

    individual portraits of preschoolers,

    dancers & 13 class group shots. I know I lucked out with the weather for bball. I'm nervous I'll sink rather than

    swim & disappoint parents for a milestone event. Due to the COLD weather & shooting in the church's dark

    basement, I decided to fork up $300 for a light system. (I'll keep set up in basement w/backdrop afterwards.)


    IMHO you don't charge until you can shoot manual and I'd like to wait until I have more insurance than PPA. My

    plan was that I'll post the images for free on my password protected online galley and they can print wherever.

    Now the church plans on printing at Walmart & marking up a bit for admin.


    I don't want to waste the little money I have as I did in the past. Last year, I bought a used strobe umbrella

    off Craigslist and it blows everything out. I gave up on but I'm sure if I had a light or flash meter or how to

    use them, it might work. So, I need advice should I get continuous lighting set up for $150 off Adorama? Will

    this do a group? Is the cool fluorescent just as good as reviewers on Amazon say? Or get hot ones for

    portraits? Or should I go Strobe? If so, can I trust slaves to expose

    correctly. How, attach to camera with sync cord?


    I REALLY would appreciate anyone who took pity on me and told me what lighting system would be idiot proof.


    I swear I know I'm not going about this the right way and I do want to improve someday. SOON. ( if you are

    interested to see what a non-pro snaps, www.heirloomevent.com)


    Thanks! Stevie

    Canon 40D & Canon Rebel Xti

    580EX II, & Light I never use Umbrella w/Crown AS-30M 120V & Vivitar 550 FD Flash

    Slow Cheap Kit Lenses Sigma 28-70 2.8, Canon 75-300, 28-135 IS, 18-55, 50mm Prime 1.8

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