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Image Comments posted by jburnett


    have you tried cropping away the left side so the couple is centered? I feel the sun draws too much attention cropped this way. having them centered between light and dark would provide a better visual balance.


    over-all contrast is good, the eyes are nice and clear and I'm drawn to them. the effect doesn't take over but serves to force attention to her face



    beautifully done, but a touch strong in the highlights, you can see it on the doll mostly. perhaps darkening the upper-midtones slightly would eliminate that.


    The model is embracing her inner-child: vulnerable, with her nightgown slightly off the shoulder, embracing a doll,wich represents her and her childhood, yearning for that innocence that is gone forever.

    lince (Lynx Lynx)

    there's some "noise" in the background, dirty lens or water spots, just thought I'd let you know in case you want to clean it up, the noise makes it looks like a set backdrop rather than a actual location. I'd like to see the Lynx be a bit brighter or slightly more saturated too, to contrast stronger against the dark background

    river in night

    Nicely balanced, the factory and river are wll lit and colorful, while the foregound objects are distinct enough to be recognizable, yet not bright enough to distract the eye from the middle-ground where the interesting details are. Well done.
  1. I like the lighting and the color! I feel the left side could have been cropped a little closer to balance the image, but other han that the composition looks good. The face looks slightly blurred, as though she began to turn her head at the last moment, or perhaps a smartblur was applied a little strong. which is unfortunate because some sharper details there could really bring her to life.

    a step behind


    Xeph has a point about the wall, but I don't think the color should go to the hair.


    The model is the subject and so the model should stand out over everything else, if the brick wall were darker, it would lose it's dominance. Her hair is bright enough to successfully stand out against the ivy, but dark enough to draw attention to her face so I would try her hair as is for now. If the hair turns out to need more, then you can try to bring out it's "natural" color more, but I think it will balance well with her magenta skirt once the wall is toned back.

    * * *


    A nice balance of color -vs- desaturation.


    The single layer of low clouds was a perfect opportunity for a perspective shot like this.


    The receding water around the detrius in the sand enhances the perspective, driving our eyes to the horizon.


    When I lived near the beach in South Carolina, USA I used to love evenings like this one. With the wind blowing on a moonlit night I could stand there for hours, all alone, watching the ocean and feeling the wind in my face as the waves rolled in.



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