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Posts posted by darryl-taylor

  1. Happy Wednesday to All, great thread as always.


    Quick mentions for a few that caught my eye, will be checking back later if possible for a more in-depth study; Matt L, Jeff L, Sen C, Jeannean B, Tim H, Tony H, and happy birthday Per-Christian<div>00XTP5-290017584.jpg.aec7b9f9dc55b27682704f14722832b0.jpg</div>

  2. <p>Thanks for showing us your nuts Matt, they go nicely with Jeffs' balls, which are stunning by the way.<br>

    Excellent bug shots from Jeannean and Roberta as always, with stunning submissions from Pascal B, Keith O, and William P; but the bizarre looking bug award goes to Mark O'Brien, according to my daughter "that thing's weird".<br>

    Mike C- beautiful colours<br>

    Don Harper- a moment that the bride will treasure captured wonderfully<br>

    Ton Mestrom- that image really appeals to me on many different levels</p>

    <p>Not a bad or boring shot in the thread, so I'll balance things out a bit with mine. Went for a walk on Saturday and the most exciting thing I saw was some mushrooms....</p><div>00XIKw-281179584.jpg.2c4773e730ddcd4cecb925fa05bfeeb5.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Thanks for the link, although I wasn't actually able to use it as during the update process the program informed me that I have a non-genuine serial key. Since I only purchased it (at full price) last month, I am far from happy.</p>

    <p>Be very careful where you buy from.</p>

  4. The only real problem I'm having with my D3000 is my own lack of skill, it can take far better pictures than I can, and that's

    all I expect from a camera. It's not a D90, or D300, or a D3, and it never will be so don't worry about features that it hasn't

    got as you won't need them until you've taken at least a couple of hundred keepers with the D3000.

    If you get problems with noise in images, I'd recommend Capture NX2, it does a much better job than Noise Ninja on .NEF

    files and for an "entry level" Nikon is probably the best value for money image editing software around.


    What settings are you using your camera on at the moment?

  5. Comparing a manual focus lens to an AF-S will not give consistent results; even if you've got auto focus turned off the

    camera will still try to get information from the lens's chip before tripping the shutter, with an older lens the camera has no

    chip to ping so it just relies on the information that you've input.

  6. I carry extension tubes with me and use this lens for everything; product shots, landscapes, and macro, I'm very cheap like

    that. It's not a particularly fast lens (both in terms of widest aperture and auto-focus speed), but if you can take time over

    your shots it works fine.

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