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Image Comments posted by shashvat

  1. Excellent timing for this shot, since animals will look at you only for a short while. This cub seems really interested in you.


    Is it just me, or could the cub be moved a little to the left (by cropping at the right border)? The very slight offcenter is distracting.

  2. Harsh indeed. These are truly unique contours and shadows.

    Congratulations on being able to get to a place with views like this.

    I felt that the contrast between the light and shadows was too stong. But then, light at the top of the Tibetian plateau can be quite strong- I can't honestly expect you to control the shadows :)

    A photo.net gem.


    The red of the roofs makes this photograph stand out. I like the detail (each tile is visible) and the way your eyes are led from the house in the foreground to the island.



    Zoom in so that she fills the frame a little more.

    She's in a shadow which makes the atmosphere cold, and the bright grass behind her head is distracting.


    On the plus side- you have got good colors, and the photograph is quite free of clutter- hallmarks of a good eye.


    And of course, Emilee is beautiful as well as photogenic. She has lovely eyes.

  3. There's something about the framing or composition that doesn't gel with me. I can't put my finger on it.

    The metering's spot on (no pun intended). Just for curiosity, do you have a slightly less exposed shot? I want to see what would have been the effect of biasing the exposure more towards the church. How much shadow detail in the arches would be lost?

  4. Actually, its mid-day, a little after 12:00, on a cold December afternoon. Because of the high latitude, the sun rays are nearly horizontal - take a look at the shadows of the people along the wall. Also, the sunlight wasn't really white, it was a bit dim/yellow. The sky is dark blue because the sun rays are nearly parallel to the portion of the sky in the photograph. It *is* a dim day, but its not night. I could have over-exposed it by one stop but then the highlights from the church would have gotten washed out.


    Try and increase the brightness and contrast on your monitor. If it still seems too dark, I'll see about getting another scan.

    Under Sail


    This photograph might have been better served by moving a little to the left (if possible).

    This would have changed how the left edge of the sail divides the photograph.

    Moving to the left would also remove the ropes on the top left that clutter up and distract from the central image.

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