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Posts posted by garethiwanjones

  1. <p>Markus,<br>

    Thanks for the kind words.<br>

    Do you loose the bottom of the navigation once you open the portfolio section? i'm trying to get an idea of how far I need to shift the nav bar up.<br>


  2. <p>Hey Nathan,<br>

    Thanks for the feedback.<br>

    I am addressing the navigation bar going off the page, it seems to be one of the perils of fullscreen resizing with fixed navigation. Could you tell me your screen resolution in pixels?<br>

    I think i am going to remove the caption data from the portraits section to give it a little more consistancy.<br>


  3. <p>I have found using the st-e2 with radiopoppers a great way to trigger my AB400s. I have the ste2 mounted on the hot shoe with a radiopopper transmitter attached and then block the IR signal from the st-e2 with some tape mounted over the front.. I clamp a 580 with a radiopopper receiver to one of the light stands with an alien Bee on, the 580 pointed at the AB's optical trigger and away I go. It syncs perfectly and i now have the range of the radio poppers, so good for 200ft if I need it.</p>
  4. <p>Sam,<br>

    If its the colour and tone of the 5d that you are after you should definetly go with the 5d, you will not get the same results straight out of camera from the 1d mkii. I have shot with both of those cameras and the richness of the colours and contrast on the 5d gives a far more polished look than that of the 1d mkii. The 1d is superior in other areas such as af, speed, build quality.... but the pictures coming out of the two cameras look considerably different.<br>


  5. <p>Hi Edward, thanks for your input. That would make sense except that i have set my 580 to only use the external battery as power once it is connected. This way the aa batteries inside are only powering the electronics of the flash and the quantum 2x2 is powering the actual flash discharge. This way the charge levels of the AA batteries inside shouldn't affect the flash output....., i am starting to think it might be the cables.</p>
  6. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I am looking for any advice on a little problem I have with my quantum 2x2. I am using a 2x2 with a canon 580 mkii. I connect the battery and flash in the correct manner and at first everything is working as it should. I test the Flash in manual and i get 1 sec recharges on a full power flash,great. The problem surfaces after about 3-4 minutes for some reason its as if the flash disingages from the battery and a full power flash goes back down to the usual 4 secs as it is running off AA batteries only. The problem seems entirely random i CAN CONNECT THEM ON AND TEST IT AND ITS FINE PUT THEM BOTH DOWN ON A TABLE FOR 5 MINUTES COME BACK AND the flash is acting as if its not connected. I have the custom functions set up to prevent the flash from sleeping but it makes no difference. Sometimes I turn them both off and back on and everything is fine agaion sometimes this does not work. Could this be a faulty cable I have heard they are quite easy top break? Any ideas?<br>

    Please help.<br>


  7. I am using a Canon 1d mkii n with 580 mkii and for testing purposes have the flash at 1/128 power, shutter 500th or faster . With the flash on the hotshoe there are no issues of misfires or blowouts but with the radio poppers it is a frequent occurence. One burst of 8fps will guarantee a missfire. I am aware of the dangers of gunning your flashes and do not need this light requirement very often, many thanks
  8. I have been experiencing issues with my radio poppers not keeping up with my camera in burst mode. It is not an

    issue of voltage because I am using a quantum 2x2. With the shutter going at 8fps I get misfires and blowouts that

    do not otherwise surface. I guess its to do with the speed the IR signal can convert to radio ping over to the receiver

    and convert back to an IR light signal. Anyone else noticed this?

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