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Posts posted by mark_verschelden

  1. <p>I am shooting a night event next week in a large tent with DJ and his lights. I will need to adjust lighting from camera position as I move around the room. (No assistant)<br />I have Canon 5DMKII with MiniTT1 and 2ea. FlexTT5's, 430EX flash, and a new Einstein 640 w/MC2 control unit.<br />I plan to bounce Einstein/MC2 from tent top then use MiniTT1 with 580EXII on camera for fill.<br />I could use the 430EX to bounce tent top but not sure if it would be enough power or if the batteries will last all night. Advantage is it's easy to control with Mini & Flex.<br />My main question - will the MiniTT1 give me <strong>independent </strong>control of the 580EX on camera and the Einstein off camera? If so is it done with camera FEC? Will the FEC adjust both flashes together?</p>
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