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Posts posted by felicia_n.

  1. <p>About 30 minutes ago I looked through the pictures I took today on my Nikon D80. I went and did some cleaning, then came back to put them on my computer, but when I tried looking for them using photoshop, they were not there. I thought maybe it was just photoshop being dumb, but I went to My Computer and the drive that my memory card is, and found that the pictures were still not there. I even took my memory card out of my laptop and put it back in my camera, but they are gone. What's <strong>really </strong>strange is that only the photos I took today are gone, all of the thousand or so that I took on other days are still on there. Please help me out, I don't understand how they can be gone if I JUST looked at them.</p>
  2. <p>My family is all coming over for Christmas and I'd like to take some nice shots. I don't want to use the flash as it's a) very bright and b) just doesn't make for nice photos most of the time. However, figuring out the manual settings are a tad tricky. <br /><br />As our living room is dimly lit with that "Christmas glow" of golden lights and such, I'd like to keep that "feeling" for the photos instead of using the flash however I don't know which settings to use. I practiced a bit and it was just a mess. <br /><br />I'm on Manuel. I have the ISO at 200 right now. I see that if I have a slow shutter speed, I still get the "Christmas glow" effect in the photos however when my family comes over, there's obviously going to be a lot of movement and laughter and such, which is a lot different than what my living is right now - full of completely still subjects. What can I do? What do you suggest regarding the aperature and shutter settings?<br /><br />Also, I have a very basic 18-135mm lens.</p>
  3. <p>I currently have just a basic Nikon 18-135mm lens. I'm going to a concert on Saturday and I've heard that the 50 mm f/1.8 lens is ideal for concert situations but seeing as it is just a 50 mm lens, I realize it's not a telephoto or macro lens but sounds like just a normal one. Would the photos I take with the 50 mm f/1.8 lens be any different than the one I already have? I mean, it's not like I can get really close to the subjects with the lens (as a telephoto can) so what would the difference be? <br /><br />Thanks a lot in advance.</p>
  4. I'm going to a concert tonight that's taking place in the ice arena where the Vancouver Canucks play. I'm positive I

    wont be right up close to the stage, and also pretty confident that I wont be too close. However, I'd still like to get

    some nice shots with my camera. I'm not too confident with my Nikon D80's settings yet so I was wondering if

    anyone could help me out. I have a Nikon 18-135mm lens.


    Also, I've found with my old sony digital camera, that taking photos at concerts with a flash is basically pointless

    since it mainly picks up just the dust or smoke of the room. So I wouldn't use a flash, and my photos were actually

    pretty awesome.


    Any imput would be really appreciated, especially since I'm leaving for the concert in an hour and a half.


    Thanks a lot =)

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