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Posts posted by melissa_sievers

  1. <p>I've been using Thumbtack with some success. I don't bid on every job that gets sent my way. I have dry spells that drive me nuts. It really is aggravating when I don't hear back from a prospect at all once I pitch my bid. I tend to say to myself, "I'm not going to bid on another job..." But then I do. And now I have a job coming up in May that I wouldn't have gotten without Thumbtack. Funny enough, the bride and I knew of each other. I knew her sisters much better than her, they were more my age in school. She was excited to hire me. Even though she still lives in my area, we wouldn't have connected without Thumbtack. </p>

    <p>The nice thing is, you don't have to commit to them. You can just bid on the jobs that you want to try for. If you get them, it is a better return on money.</p>

    <p>I've spent hundreds of dollars on print ads in a local magazine, local newspapers, bridal show publications with NO return. </p>

    <p>I like that clients post their budget and needs, so you can decide if you want to go for it or not.</p>

  2. <p>The agency had said that they would like an elegant image. She did refer me to an example on their website. It looked like the photo was shot in the courtyard of a home, perhaps. Like the pillared area around what might be a pool area.</p>

    <p>The model and I like this image:</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/sieversmaphotography?ref=ts#!/photo.php?fbid=10150244175704737&set=a.108188984736.86222.106376899736&type=1&theater">http://www.facebook.com/sieversmaphotography?ref=ts#!/photo.php?fbid=10150244175704737&set=a.108188984736.86222.106376899736&type=1&theater</a></p>

    <p>There are a couple others that we did that turned out well, too. I'm not saying that they are perfect, but I'm content.</p>

    <p>Thanks for your feedback!</p>


  3. <p>I'm sorry if I miss spoke... I didn't intend to say that I don't need inspiration. I often review magazines, books and websites. I snagged a stack of my old American Photo magazines to browse through on a work trip this weekend... Just for example. I pick up fashion magazines here and there to examine lighting and poses. I do work to gather inspiration and put my own twist on it. Obviously my environment won't be the same, my lighting won't be the same. Fitting a model into a scene requires a unique spin on any idea.<br>

    Any photography session is a give and take activity. I look forward to the opportunity. Obviously I'm not Annie Leibowitz or any other high end photographer. That doesn't mean that I can't deliver a nice photograph. Its true, I have lots to learn, but its not that I don't feel up to the task either. This is an opportunity to try a potential partnership. Its possible that we'll part ways if its not working. But I'd like to think that it could/will be a mutually beneficial arrangement too. <br>

    It is my understanding that the model that I'm working with has done some work in Denver. The agency, I believe, will review my work based on the photos that I deliver and the input of the model. <br>

    I'll give a review of the experience in a week or so after the session. </p>

  4. <p>It isn't my goal to copycat anyone. It's hard to come up with a completely original concept, but I don't like to blatantly rip anyone either. I just wanted to get a different frame set going in my mind with some overall guides to consider.<br>

    I did this model's headshot and she's a very pleasant gal. I plan to ask her if there is a particular style that she is interested in. We can experiment with a few different options ranging from sultry to sporty/fun. I have some pose ideas in mind already that I haven't *exactly* seen either (I don't think). I'm not sure what style of swim suit she'll be modeling in. I do plan to get a feel for all of her planned looks and then pick a few locations accordingly.<br>

    Communication is always a good thing. The agency suggested looking through the portfolios on their site. I've done that a bit and need to do some more looking.<br>

    @John Yes, I will be shooting in Sioux Falls. I would like to do the swimsuit session at Palisades Park. <br>


  5. <p>I'm going to do a photo session with a local model as a test run for a regional model agency. This is new for me, the agency knows that. They want to be able to guage my work and how I work with models.</p>

    <p>I've been looking online for some ideas on posing a fashion model. I'm not as accustomed to the extreme angles that a model might make with her body. I could get used to the idea of using the model's body as a moldable piece of art. Still, I think it make take a few tries to figure out the line between something that is bold and creative verses something that is cheezy. </p>

    <p>Where do you draw inspiration when you need to go outside of the box and push the standard format?</p>

    <p>Also, I'm trying to plan through the swimsuit portion of the session. I have the location in mind, a park with pink quartzite and a river that runs through it. My plan is to go there to shoot during the early evening. </p>

    <p>I'm looking for some ideas for poses. I've watched Tyra posing the models on ANTM, she's coached them to be sexy, not slutty. It came down to how someone arched their back or didn't. There was another session where they talked about modeling the swimsuit for a female audience vs male. I think that poses were more profile and curvy for marketing the swimsuit to women vs. straight on with a 'come hither' look for a male audience.</p>

    <p>Does anyone have a few basic tips for me to keep in mind? I'm going to keep looking at examples to get some 'go to'/safe ideas for starters.</p>

    <p>Thanks! Melissa</p>

  6. <p>I was on vacation for an extended weekend. My camera straps arrived while I was away. I got the RS-5 BlackRapid strap. But, I've adapted it a smidge to use the camera strap hooks on my camera body instead of the tripod socket.</p>

    <p>I ordered <a href="http://www.adorama.com/OTSCU.html">http://www.adorama.com/OTSCU.html</a> and am going to try using one of these to hook my Canon 40D with the 200 mm lens. That will hang at my side. I also got the OpTech around the neck strap. I haven't tried that with the stroboframe. I think that it should all work out okay. I will play around with it this week or weekend.</p>

    <p>Thanks to everyone who chimed in! I will let you know if I hate the set up. :D </p>

  7. <p>Thanks for your responses, I've been spending some time exploring your set ups.</p>

    <p>I'm average height, about 5'8". I also often have a belt pack, just one that I picked up in the outdoor section of Wal-Mart. It has a water bottle pouch on each side of the main compartment. I stash an extra lens in one sometimes and a water bottle in the other. The main compartment holds batteries and a few other misc. items.</p>

    <p>I know at minimum I want something more comfortable than the standard canon strap. It's interesting how different a strap set up between photographers can be. I know that statement makes me sound incredibly novice. On a side note, my brother in law was showing off his tool case this weekend. He's a chef. Several knives can do the same thing. He even needs a couple different butcher knives. My husband farms and does mechanical work. The smallest things make a huge difference person to person. Photography is no different. It's fascinating!</p>


  8. <p>I finally acquired a second camera body, I had been previously renting. So, I needed to get a strap for it anyway. I snagged an old one off another camera for now. My first camera body I still just used the Canon strap. I don't prefer it, its just what I used.</p>

    <p>One camera has a Canon 200 2.8L lens, the other is often on a stroboframe (flash flip version) with a Sigma 17-55mm lens. I would often wear that one around my neck and just sling the long lens over a shoulder. This is a make due situation and works, but I have to be careful not to tangle cameras and choke myself.</p>

    <p>I am trying to pick out new straps, but its almost as tricky as buying a new lens! Which one will perform the task that I need it to do the most?</p>

    <p>I was going to get a black rapid double harness. But, I'm not sure how well a camera/flash/bracket combo would hang.</p>

    <p>So, I thought perhaps a single black rapid strap ( <a href="http://www.blackrapid.com/product/camera-strap/rs-5/">http://www.blackrapid.com/product/camera-strap/rs-5/</a> ), layered with another around the neck strap (<a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/53512-REG/Tamrac_N2701_N_27_Boomerang_Quick_Release.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/53512-REG/Tamrac_N2701_N_27_Boomerang_Quick_Release.html</a> or I'm leaning toward: <a href="http://www.adorama.com/OTPLSBLK.html">http://www.adorama.com/OTPLSBLK.html</a> ) to keep the rig more stable and in front of me. I thought it'd be ideal to use the double strap rings instead of the single tripod socket.</p>

    <p>Side note about the black rapid system. I have a manfrotto bogen tripod. Does it work well to leave the plate attached to the bottom of the camera and use that hook to connect to the strap? It seems like it'd be seriously inconvienent to unscrew the blackrapid post in order to attach the camera to a tripod.</p>

    <p>Thanks for your input,</p>


  9. <p>I'm resurrecting a post here, but seemed most appropriate.<br>

    I use two camera bodies. One with a 200mmL 2.8 lens and one with a Sigma 17-55 2.8 lens plus sometimes flash on a stroboframe bracket.<br>

    I was going to get a black rapid double harness. But, I'm not sure how well a camera/flash/bracket combo would hang. So, I thought perhaps a single black rapid strap, layered with a Tamrac boomerang strap to hold the bracket setup upright in front of me.<br>

    suggestions? Thanks!</p>

  10. <p>The show was yesterday and while it wasn't the success that I dreamed of, I don't feel dissapointed either. </p>

    <p>I did invite my cousin's wife and their son down. Her bestfriend has an 18 month old. She had expressed interest in having me do some family portraits, so I invited her down for a complimentary session as well. The 18 month old had a bit of a cold, so she wasn't as perky as one would hope. Still, we had a nice time.<br>

    <br /><a href="http://s297.photobucket.com/albums/mm203/Sieversma_Photo/Babies%20and%20Children/?action=view&current=IMG_5605-Edit.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm203/Sieversma_Photo/Babies%20and%20Children/IMG_5605-Edit.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a><br /><a href="http://s297.photobucket.com/albums/mm203/Sieversma_Photo/Babies%20and%20Children/?action=view&current=IMG_5675.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm203/Sieversma_Photo/Babies%20and%20Children/IMG_5675.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a><br>

    (I used the sRGB color profile, but the samples above have more blue in them than they showed while editing. How can I fix that?)</p>

    <p>I had another staged family that fell through which is too bad, but it happens.</p>

    <p>I was able to mostly set up my table the night before, so I opted to bring chickies with on Saturday. They worked as a spectacle. Lots of people and children stopped by, though not to take photos. A lady at the event saw me photographing the staged children, so she had her dad bring her three kids down. I photographed them for 15 minutes and got a few different poses of the group, including one of them holding the chickies. Their mom will wait to see the photos online and then decide if she wants to order prints or the disc.<br>

    In all, there were a few moms starting to look for a photographer for the senior student in their home. A couple others asked about photo sessions for their family. One or two people had said that they'd heard good things about me. So, I think that I may get a call or two in the future that I may not have otherwise. I didn't use my mini studio set up much for photographs, but I was able to show people that I could bring the studio to their home if needed too. I've done that before, and it works out.<br>

    <a title="TradeShow2 by Sieversma, on Flickr" href=" TradeShow2 src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5185/5585758180_5855a7d36f_t.jpg" alt="TradeShow2" width="100" height="75" /></a> <a title="Trade Show1 by Sieversma, on Flickr" href=" Trade Show1 src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5016/5585164645_5809b350d9_t.jpg" alt="Trade Show1" width="100" height="75" /></a></p>


  11. <p>Snow in the hills is typically a very pretty event. It may mean that you don't get the photos that you initially planned, but as long as you're there - you'll get nice pics anyway. :D</p>

    <p>Jesus, I glanced at your portfolio, nice photos! Another place that I haven't been is the Wild Horse Sanctuary. It may be about 45 minutes to an hour's drive south of Hill City. I saw a few equine images, and thought you might be interested. One of my co-workers did a segment about that. I tried to find the video on our website, but the content isn't linked up. Here's a link to the sanctuary website, it would probably be good for some photos. <a href="http://www.gwtc.net/~iram/visit.html">http://www.gwtc.net/~iram/visit.html</a></p>

    <p>You are driving 24 hours to visit the Black Hills? That's incredible. Where is home for you? Are you making a tour of the region as well? Happy travels and have a great visit to this state!</p>


  12. <p>One more thing.... I work for South Dakota Public Broadcasting. I've been out in the hills a number of times for shoots on a variety of subjects. One subject was geocaching.</p>

    <p>I visited a couple ladies out there who gecache as a hobby. We went out in the hills to seek out a couple caches. We came across a couple abandoned buildings. I can't remember which cache it was, but it was pretty.</p>

    <p>Here's the segment: <a href="http://www.sdpb.org/tv/shows.aspx?MediaID=35789&ParmAccessLevel=sdpb-all&Parmtype=TV">http://www.sdpb.org/tv/shows.aspx?MediaID=35789&ParmAccessLevel=sdpb-all&Parmtype=TV</a></p>

    <p>The next time I'm out there for fun, I may also seek tour help from the geocaching website. I put in the zip code for Hill City. You can alter the search terms depending on distance. If you have a gps device, these searches will get you to some interesting areas, even if you don't seek out the cache itself. Most searches are named for an interesting landmark or geographic oddity.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?lat=44.0837216&lng=-103.8216261&dist=25">http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?lat=44.0837216&lng=-103.8216261&dist=25</a><br>

    It might be a resource worth consulting anytime a person goes some place new.</p>

  13. <p>Hi Jesus, I live in SD, but in the southeast region. I LOVE the hills.<br>

    There are a few falls in the Spearfish Canyon area. That's in the NW area of the Black Hills. </p>

    <p>The Alpine Inn is a good place to eat, if you like filet mingon. That's the only thing on the menu. Their desert menu is extensive. Be there by the time it opens, though. The line gets long fast! <a href="http://www.alpineinnhillcity.com/">http://www.alpineinnhillcity.com/</a></p>

    <p>From Hill City, you can go up through Mystic and go to Rochford. It's not really a town, but the Moonshine Gulch Saloon is there. It has a lot of character. Good burgers and fries. A person could find a few things to photograph. Its also along the Mickelson Trail - an unpaved trail that runs the length of the hills. It'd be easy hiking along that trail too. PLUS, hill city would be on your way to the NW area of thie hills. That road is gravel. It's a pretty drive, though. I haven't spent a lot of time in the heart of the hills beyond there. </p>

    <p>Custer state park is good. I was last out in the hills last year, same time that you plan to be there. It was really cold and windy that weekend. We drove the wildlife loop in Custer State park. The bison calves were kinda cute.</p>

    <p>I've always wanted to go to jewel cave, but haven't done that yet. I envision doing light paintings there some day. I also want to visit wind cave national park. I think the next time I go out there for fun, I'd like to camp in custer park and focus on the southern hills.</p>

    <p>Just south of Hill City is Sylvan lake. There are trails to hike up Harney Peak. I've done that before, and that is pretty.</p>

    <p>Drive needles highway. There are tunnels that line up with Mt. Rushmore.</p>

    <p>There are some ghost towns in that area, but I'm not sure where. </p>

    <p>That time of year is good for that region. Not everything will be open yet, because it isn't quite tourist season. All the really good stuff will still be accessible and there won't be traffic.</p>

  14. <p>Thank you for the response. The event will be held in the community auditorium. I've visited with the organizer. They are open to the idea of portraits. There is a stage where I can set up.</p>

    <p>I'm rounding up a couple more kids to do test photos prior to the event and will invite a few local families/friends to the event too. </p>

    <p>I like the sample photos, but there is something about them that I'm not digging about them too. But, it's been difficult to put my finger on it. I was trying to explain it to my husband. I think that I need to reposition the lights so that there is a more obvious catch light in the eyes. Rookie mistake that I shouldn't have made. </p>

  15. <p>A local community invited me to participate in their first annual trade show. There will be a variety of vendors including people with Pampered Chef, Scentsy, a Purse person, Mary Kay, and other similar companies. The idea is that there will be one representative of each type of product - though there may be another photographer. </p>

    <p>I'm looking for ideas to make the most of the opportunity.</p>

    <p>My plan was to at minimum have a display of my photos to try and make contact with people possibly looking for senior or family portraits, or weddings. Every vendor is supposed to have something to raffle off. I will likely offer a photo session of some sort.</p>

    <p>What I'd like to do is set up a mobile station to do 15 minute child portrait sessions. </p>

    <p>Here's my blog post with the details:</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.sieversmaphotos.blogspot.com/">http://www.sieversmaphotos.blogspot.com/</a></p>

    <p>I'm considering having live chickies there. But, I think that it could be a logistical headache. We have chickies available at our farm, but they get cold easily and may not enjoy their experience. My mom is going to come down to help run the table, take money and have people fill out their information while I'm (hopefully) taking photos. I don't know that I want to ask her to wrangle chickies too. We'll see how it goes. I may figure something out.</p>

    <p>The show organizers are putting an ad in the newspaper with a list of vendors, so there will be a line directing people to my website to find information. <a href="http://www.sieversmaphotography.com">www.sieversmaphotography.com</a> I've been working on spreading the word too.</p>

    <p>Worst case scenario I go through the effort of setting up a photo space, nobody is interested in photos at that time, but I have an elaborate conversation piece.</p>

    <p>But, I would love to make a connection with a couple people and take a few photos.</p>

    <p>I'm going to work on more variations of my set up and dial it in. I need to recruit a couple more children to be models.</p>

    <p>If you have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.</p>

  16. <p>I did a search for 365 projects on here. I've just begun mine Jan 1. I wondered if people put together books of their year when they're finished. I think that when each month is done I may pick one highlight photo for a full page, and then do a thumbnail composite of the rest. Then at the end of the year I could have a book printed for my own archive.</p>

    <p>I've been posting on Flickr:<br>

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sieversmaphotography/sets/72157625723885316/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/sieversmaphotography/sets/72157625723885316/</a></p>

    <p>Some of them show up darker on different computers. So, hopefully you can see them okay on yours. It's a tricky project. I'm trying not to make it too difficult or too much of a burden. But, I want to take photos that allow me to grow instead of taking a photo just for the sake of snapping a picture. So even on days where I take a photo of my dinner, or an interesting display in a store, I'm trying to at least compose it well.</p>

    <p>Then other days I have the opportunity to make loads of images, then its tough to pick which one will represent my day!</p>

    <p>I love browsing through the albums of others. I think the 365 self portrait challenge would be very difficult. Still, I've looked through albums showcasing that approach and have enjoyed them too!</p>

  17. <p>I did a search for 365 projects on here. I've just begun mine Jan 1. I wondered if people put together books of their year when they're finished. I think that when each month is done I may pick one highlight photo for a full page, and then do a thumbnail composite of the rest. Then at the end of the year I could have a book printed for my own archive.</p>

    <p>I've been posting on Flickr:<br>

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sieversmaphotography/sets/72157625723885316/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/sieversmaphotography/sets/72157625723885316/</a></p>

    <p>Some of them show up darker on different computers. So, hopefully you can see them okay on yours. It's a tricky project. I'm trying not to make it too difficult or too much of a burden. But, I want to take photos that allow me to grow instead of taking a photo just for the sake of snapping a picture. So even on days where I take a photo of my dinner, or an interesting display in a store, I'm trying to at least compose it well.</p>

    <p>Then other days I have the opportunity to make loads of images, then its tough to pick which one will represent my day!</p>

    <p>I love browsing through the albums of others. I think the 365 self portrait challenge would be very difficult. Still, I've looked through albums showcasing that approach and have enjoyed them too!</p>

  18. <p>It would also depend on how many photographers are available. I too offer 200 printed pics in a proof book, this includes portrait groupings, reception line pics.... I shoot more than that and offer different versions of the same picture (black and white, or spot color for instance). As a solo shooter, I wouldn't be able to offer 800 pics. Certainly not good ones. <br>

    If there is a second shooter and maybe a third, who knows how many images and angles could be available. Especially if they're working from the time that the bridal party is preparing all the way through the party that evening.</p>

  19. <p>I live in South Dakota, that area is a great place to visit! I'm about as far southeast away from that region as possible. I plan to head out there myself at the end of the month for a quick weekend trip.</p>

    <p>How long will your family be staying? </p>

    <p>The whole badlands area will be beautiful. Even though prairie dogs are a nuiscance in the area, your daughter will love to see them. </p>

    <p><a href="http://www.nps.gov/PWR/customcf/apps/maps/showmap.cfm?alphacode=badl&parkname=Badlands%20National%20Park">http://www.nps.gov/PWR/customcf/apps/maps/showmap.cfm?alphacode=badl&parkname=Badlands%20National%20Park</a></p>

    <p>There is a prairie dog town on the Sage Creek Rim Road. If you keep south on that road you may see some of the buffalo that live on the grasslands.</p>

    <p>The north unit is the most visited. The South Unit is on Native American land and is quite pretty. Sheep Mountain Table is a beautiful region. I visited that spot once for a video shoot for work. There's a bit of hiking involved in that area. But not difficult. I walked around that area carrying heavy camera gear.</p>

    <p>Wall Drug is a serious tourist destination. I still like stopping by even as a SD native. They do have really good donuts and coffee is actually only .05 a cup. They have a bunch of things that would be fun to photograph your daughter with.</p>

    <p>I've never been to the caves, but would like to. Nor have I been to Devils Tower. Bear Butte in Sturgis is a good park, I like to photograph it and would like to spend more time there again. Sturgis is just up the road from Deadwood. Sturgis will be over by the time you visit, so the region won't be so crowded.</p>

    <p>Animals are highly accessible all through Custer. Definately drive Needles highway. Crazy Horse Memorial near Custer is cool, you can see that from the highway as you drive by if you're short on time.</p>

    <p>Sylvan Lake is beautiful with great rock structures.</p>

    <p>Hill City is a cute town. There is a train that runs between Hill CIty and Keystone.<br>

    <a href="http://www.1880train.com/">http://www.1880train.com/</a></p>

    <p>The Alpine Inn in Hill City is a good place to eat, if you like filet mignon. That's all they offer for dinner. 6oz or 9oz.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.alpineinnhillcity.com/">http://www.alpineinnhillcity.com/</a></p>

    <p>Rochford is up the road from Hill City on a well maintained gravel road. Moonshine Gulch Saloon is a great place to eat too, plus it has plenty of character. Rochford is located along the Mickelson Trail, a rails to trails line that runs the length of the region. I've had a burger and fries there once, it's pretty tasty. And it has a few photo opportunities.</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.rochfordmall.com/saloon.html">http://www.rochfordmall.com/saloon.html</a> Though that site doesn't have much actual information. You can find the Moonshine Gulch saloon on Facebook.</p>

    <p>There is a photo of the place on this blog:</p>

    <p><a href="http://www.offenburger.com/lspaper.asp?link=20090623">http://www.offenburger.com/lspaper.asp?link=20090623</a></p>

    <p>There are so many great things to do in that region. I've been out there many times and still haven't seen them all. If you find yourself staying for a night in Hot Springs you should go to Evans Plunge. It's an indoor pool fed by a natural hot spring. Your daughter would probably have fun - if she likes water. Really, you can't go wrong with anything you do out there. </p>

    <p>Just watch out for deer and buffalo if you're driving at night!!</p>

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