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Posts posted by jon_gladders

  1. Thanks Noel. Unfortunately I only took one at the time but next time I will certainly try taking 3. Even with my mobile phone camera I can change the exposure setting. I suppose the answer is to always have my 'proper' camera with me.


    Thanks Oliver. Your suggestion of under exposing is helpful. Does the fact that there was quite a lot of dark tones in the foreground and sky alter my chances of getting the rays? or do I need to zoom in more?


    Thanks Steve but for the moment I want to concentrate on getting my photo-taking skills correct rather than having to rely on post-shot playing.



  2. Travelling to work last week, the sun's rays were coming through the clouds and highlighting a local hill. Only having

    my mobile with me (Samsung G600 5.0mp camera (are they really equal to proper 5.0mp cameras?)) I tried

    capturing it. Having downloaded the image onto my computer the rays hardly show at all. Instead there is a

    somewhat overexposed section at the base of the clouds with a dark foreground and remaining areas of cloud. This

    begs a few questions: (i) am I flogging a dead horse trying to take this kind of shot with a camera phone? (ii) are

    there any settings that I could have changed whilst taking the shot? (iii) is there any way of teasing out the rays

    using photoshop cs3 which I have just got and am a complete beginner with? I don't want to go down the whole

    creating false rays path but rather getting the shot right in the first place. I do have a minolta dimage Z3 and 35mm

    minolta 5000 and 7000 film cameras with various lenses.


    Any help or suggestions gratefully received. Thanks in advance,



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