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Posts posted by nasfuadi

  1. <p>I have the sigma 50-500. It still pretty sharp at 500. Well, Nikkor is still slighty better, but cost around 3 times more. I love this lens because of its focal range ( normal to super telephoto ) that I can take pictures of a subject right in front of me 'till something far away, without changing any lenses. And the result is still crisp and sharp. Of course it is heavy, but that's how it is for a lens in that range. Using a monopod is a really help.<br>

    It is cheap, BTW. And the result is just satisfying me.<br>



  2. <p>Other than bokeh created by lens, there are softwares that can produce very good bokeh. It make excellent result as if it is produced by an expensive lens. Then I think, it's not only lenses that have the ability to make good bokeh, the softwares also. Even one flat pic taken from point 'n shot can make good bokeh, with the help from that software.</p>
  3. <p>I have both of the camera. And both are amazing. It just depend on what you need. D300 might be better for longer range, D700 better for wider angle, and less noise in higher ISO.<br>

    But that you prefer tele rather than wide angle, the D300 should be enough. Except if you turn to be a night photographer, or working a lot in low light, it'll be D700. Both are excellent with their own specification.</p>


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