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Posts posted by cheryl_malone

  1. <p>I have a Calumet Cadet 4x5 camera and plan on buying a Shen Hao 4x5 camera in the near future. I went to a reputable camera retailer and bought a tripod that was recommended (they knew I was using for large format). Used it for the first time at a workshop and found it too light to keep the camera from wobbling. Can anyone recommend a solid, not very expensive tripod to buy?</p>
  2. <p>Last fall I bought a Calumet Cadet complete with lensboard, lens, focusing cloth and 6 film holders for less than $600. It had never been used. I took a class at MassArt and was able to take home a Cadet and tripod to use for the 8 week class. After the class I knew that I would buy a 4x5, but didn't have a lot of money to spend at the time. I was considering a Tachihara, but decided to buy the Cadet when the opportunity presented itself.</p>
  3. Too late...absolutely not. After wanting a Hasselblad for almost 15 years but not being able to afford one, I finally was able to buy a Hasselblad with lens at a fraction of what it would have sold for several years ago. Of course, it is used, but I only buy used cameras and equipment from EP Levine's in Boston, a trusted dealer.
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