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Posts posted by w_wachusea

  1. Hi, A house-keeping question:


    I am a new-old member. It seems that I established an account many years ago using an arbitrary screen name. . . I have been inactive here for many years and.I didn't remember that I did so. This past week, I thought I had opened a new account using my professional name as a screen name and using one of my e-mail addresses. Had to enter a password and fill in the profile formb . . . uploaded a portrait; all of that.


    Now I find that when I log in, using my e-mail address and password, the user name that comes up with my newly uploaded portrait is this odd screen name as seen at the left.


    How can I change this to my professional name?

  2. <p>Thanks Eeveryone...all good information. I am still interested in hearing from someone who has used one of these Polaroid conversions. I looked around some and there are several others who make these cameras...one in California and one in australia that I could find. Read a set of threads on this board and "another: forul going back to 2003 or so...WOW!</p>

    <p>So then; any users out there?</p>

  3. <p>I typically get E-6 films in boxes of ten sheets. They are loaded into five film holders and I shoot them. Later, the ten sheets go back into the internal packing and it all goes into the tripple box it came in. A little tape keeps it all closed and a note to the lab is taped to the box; contact info, the content of the boxand processing instructions etc. I use a changing bag.</p>
  4. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I have a B&L Discoverer spotting scope that I have used with a Cannon AE-1( many years ago) for sunset/moon rise and telephoto shots many years ago. I am new to DSLR photography. I now have a Nikon D-60. How may this body be coupled to my spotting scope? Would the lens remain attached? Would Eye-Piece Projection be the way? What adapter will allow the most auto functions? </p>

  5. <p>Hello everyone,</p>

    <p>Ran into this website; <a href="http://www.fine-art.com/">http://www.fine-art.com/</a>. They offer the oppertunity to exchange links: a link to them on my site, a link to my ite on their's. I understand the advantages of exchanging links...the question is: Does any one know anything about THIS website. Are they 'OK"? Will I get huge amounts of unwelcome spam from Nigeria? On the posative side; is there a likelyhood of contacts from intereasted print buyers? Your comments are appreciated.</p>


  6. <p>First: Are you sure that you need to create the image in-camera? What about miltiple images each at a slightly different plane of focus, combined with some layer work in PS...vignetting also with PS. this saves you from finding and modifying hardware (though that alone can be fun).</p>

    <p>Second: another alternative might be the liquid emulsions that I have seen advertised ("Liquid Light" I think). This may be allowed as it it a product, not a prohibited raw chemical. Try coating tintype plates with it. I also wonder...If you coated a small mirror, would it look like a Daguerreotype? Anyone done any of this, I'm just guessing.</p>

  7. So; 70mm film...should this thread be in the Medium Format forum? Is 70mm film still available in any

    emulsion? Do these cameras take bulk spools or the 70mm cartridges (look like giant 35mm cartridges)? Do they

    have an electric power connection" Can you post a picture for us?

  8. Why do you feel that anyone should GIVE you anything? Are you a 501©3 non-profit? If you have a worthwhile project, you might look around for a friendly non-profit organizqtion and try writing a grant under their umbrella. Another alternative would be to make a sign and stand out on a busy street corner...That might actually work!
  9. I have been reading and contributing to this forum for a few weeks now and this topic and related theses have been examined in depth...repetedly.


    If the industry collectivly felt that money could be made by producing a D-RF of any kind they would do so. If "they" thought that any of the current AF-P&S platforms would be successful with full manual controle, they would do it.There are many companies that could produce an M compatable digi camera that haven't and won't. That Leica has put their time, talent and treasure into the S2 says that the M system has a low commercial priority.

  10. A professional wedding photographer that I know has no brand loyalty. While his current system is digital Nikon, he has in the past used Rolliflex, Hasselblad, Mamya, Fuji systems that I know of. One day he deflated my enthusiam over some camera or lense, when held upsome premium lense on a top-of-the-line body and said, "To me, this is just a hammer." He ment that if the job was removing a screw, he would use a screw-driver, and if the job were nailing two boards togetrher he would use a hammer. The job at hand was loading up for a wedding the next day, and that lense and that body were going into the tool box with other things that would help him get the job done. It was a Nikon D200, but four years ago it would have been a Fuji and six years ago it would have been a Mamya-7. Just "a hammer"! My enthusiam for the new whatever was crushed.
  11. I have gotten a lot of very good information here: Thank you evferyone. After reading through this thread and

    others again, I get the sense that going from film-M to D-M is not seamless and involves more adaptations on

    the part of the photographer than when going from Film SLR to DSLR (at least in the Nikon system, what I have

    and what I know).



    And now...Wow! The S2 really looks great (except for price). So Leica CAN deal with these technical dugutal

    issues and has the where-with-all to develop and bring to market an entirely new system. Maybe I'll hold off on

    jumping into the M-8 for a while, and hope for an M-9 or or D-CL.


    Thanks again, you have all helped me a lot.

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