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Posts posted by steve_scarlett

  1. <p>Aires question.....<br>

    Good to see this thread resuscitated--especially as I have an opportunity to buy an Aires111--but it has the H-Coral 45mm f2 lens--a year or two older than the f1.9 that everyone raves about. Does anyone here know if the f2 lens is in any way inferior to its marginally sharper later brother ?<br>


  2. <p>Update: same old same old.....<br>

    Yes --avoid this slimeball at all costs. I bought a Yashica zoom desc. as`"perfect working order"--it was absolutely filthy and wouldn't focus. It took weeks of emails, texts and phone calls with no replies until I caught him on the phone at his warehouse of crap. I did eventually get a partial refund so I did better than my brother who I learned had been ripped off completely on a Nikon lens.<br>

    Steve Scarlett.</p>

  3. <p>Well, my remark about the S or T being preferable to the SE or TE was predicated on the notion you are buying a fully functioning camera on which you may care to use the meter. If you do not need an on camera meter then it is immaterial which you choose. Should you not be bothered about having neither rangefinder nor exposure meter then what about a Vito B ? It's smallish (though it weighs the same as a small planet) ---but it is cheap,well-built, easy and smooth to use with a good viewfinder, and the f3.5 lens is one of the best Tessar types made.....</p>
  4. <p>If anyone is still reading this thread .......I think it is better to avoid the Rollei SE/ TE . I understand that with their LEDs the exp. meter is now impossible to fix if it fails, whereas the 35S or 35T with match needle metering can still be mended--another good thing about them is that the exposure is set whilst not having the camera to the eye---better for inconspicuous street shooting.<br>


  5. <p>Hello All<br>

    I see this discussion is several weeks old but I thought I'd let those who have access to London know (if they don't already) that there is an exhibition of W. E.'s latest work --22 prints-- at the Victoria Miro Gallery in Islington--till the 27th Feb.<br>

    I won't bore you with my inconclusive views on it, but it's certainly well worth a look.<br>

    Finally, I do agree with Luis G's remarks on the daftness of JDM von W's comment about "There are only two kinds of people..." Personally I think there are only two kinds of people in the world, those who think there are only two kinds of people in the world, and the sensible....<br>

    Anyway, hope some of you who would have missed the show get there now..<br>

    Steve Scarlett.</p>

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