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Image Comments posted by dennis.g



    Hi anyone...

    Been awhile since I posted anything to this site, but I've come a long way, thanks in part to this site.


    Best capture in awhile, pure chance.
    The vignette looks a bit more heavy handed on the web than the original, might have to work on that.

    Any comments welcome and appreciated.



    I've noticed that if I allow my XSi to automatically choose "optimum" exposure level (I mostly shoot in Av mode), the resulting image usually looks slightly over-exposed, with the colors very washed out.

    This photo was taken on the day I learned how to use the exposure compensation function, and discovered that if I "under-expose" by ~2/3 or more stops, according to the "exposure level indicator", I end up with much more vivid, rich colors.

    I now almost always have my AE compensation set below "standard".


    Anyway - as a novice photographer - any advice, critiques, comments and suggestions are very much welcome.

    Thank you!


  1. I attempted to improve the blown-out spot on top of his head.

    I had no idea what I was doing, just experimented until it started to look better.

    I used the clone stamp tool and the smudge tool.

    See the previous picture for the un-retouched version.

    Please let me know what you think.





    Thank you for all of the comments.

    The over exposed spot bugs me too, but I like the shot too much to discard it.

    Is there something I could do in post to down play it?

    It's completely blown out, so there's no detail there, but maybe if I darkened it a bit it wouldn't stand out so much?


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