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Posts posted by murtyjr

  1. <p>I would like to know if there is anyway I can save and pre-serve historic digital photos I have taken for a religious organization. The purpose of saving is two fold: (a) I will be handling this responsibility to another generation who I think will continue in my foot steps and (b) Historically saved photos be available for publication and future references.</p>



  2. <p>Having read all the good comments, now I want to stay with my current Canon 60D. Off late I have been involved in taking photos of a religious place and the photos are taken in low light condition. PLEASE RECOMMEND ME LENS FOR LOW LIGHT CONDITION. Currently I have Canon 18-135 and Tokina 11-16 F2.8 in my inventory. Besides, Canon can I have suggestions of other manufacturers WHO OFFER SAME FEATURES AS CANON.</p>
  3. Hi,


    I am planning to do some low light and regular photography with my canon 60D. Can this be achieved my with my

    18-135mm lens or do I need special lens for the low light conditions. Low light photographs will be done in a

    concert setting. Please help.

  4. Question raised by Yiannis is also on my mind. Currently I have an a100 and am happy with its performance. I am in the process of upgrading and have been comparing Sony with Nikon and Canon with their features and prices. Any recomendations will he helpful.
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