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Image Comments posted by brian_signa

    Pink shoes

    I noticed immediately how the shape of the vase follows and almost matches the flowing curves of those lovely legs. Perfect composition; it seems like it could be a post card mailer promo for a shoe store (I'm in graphics commercial printing). subject appeals greatly to me, being a foot/leg man. lighting is terrific.... the legs seem to glow unto themselves without any source. Love the shoes; they look like they could hold champaign very well!!!!



    A whole other world you captured. The yellow is almost fluid; the pollen "pods" and the bee

    seem to float. Really most impressive shot.......

    Just "no"


    I notice the balance and the color match you made of her sleeve to her hair, or vice versa.

    When I study her face, her sleeve becomes an extension of her hair. lighting is good, face is a little hot, but, it's what you wanted.

  1. Balance of color is as a still arrangement; unbelievable from a spontaneous shoot!!

    Crystal sharp highlights bring it all into a work that I expect to see in National geographic magazine next month.


    I would never guess, because of the cloudiness of the water, this was shot through a model environment. I now can understand the flash captured the bubble highlights, but the rest of the light ,fore and back looks totally natural.

  2. I've always found women's and girl's feet attractive; the heel through the high arch to the ball of the foot follows a truly feminine classic "hour glass" female form.

    Her freckle on her arch is so unique.

    Skin tones and shadow in portrait are perfect. I wonder if she was sleeping when you took it!!!

    I also wonder what size she wears.

    She could use a little dermas-sage, and I think you're the man for the job.

    Tell her she better wear socks everyday before she has elephant feet by the time she's forty, like my wife!!!!!

    New Shoes

    Too many lifeless shoes in clothing catalogs. I'd prefer to see life in these shoes if someone was wearing them; then their posture might be telling us something. Right now the shoes tell me you arranged them this way. A capture of spontaneity is most precious. The lighting you provided is perfect, perfect shadow and highlight, and the composition and subject is still more interesting than most stills.



    Genius shoot; experience contributes rule number two, right place at the right time!

    (rule number one is almost defunct; Always carry enough film!)


    great shot. Defiantly B&W; flags would usually demand color. I suppose your rebel nature broke the rules...still would like to compare a color view.....still a fantastic photo; love the haze at right center broadening down to a crystal view of a lone boat. I'm adding it to my favorites list!



    Oh no, definitely leave cropped as is!! We are not taking to subject of the chair, but who is sitting in it.


    The chair "Running" out of the photo is also almost paralleled to her hair, indicating a "shoot now, because I'm getting up and out!" sense of motion.


    Most eye catching is the hosiery; very cool.

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