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Image Comments posted by vadim1

    The moose look

    WOW... how much time did you give the model to setup with this!?!?! Great. Nothing much to improve on in my view photography wise. Did you make the model change her facial expression, I'd love to see her with more emotions in her face.


    Just awesome! A thing of beauty! Love the underexposed background, and yet the model is just poping out. Too bad the image is so small, I can't critique the details, but from this size, it's looking great. What time of day did you do this shot at? Love to hear details.

    MJ 9


    The photo has potential, but the harsh shadow behind the subject's head has no detail in her hair. A little fill flash, or bounce fill would fix that up. I would also like to see her other hand in the frame.


    The colors are nice, and skin tones are good. Pose is also natural in my eyes.

    Dragonfly III


    What you have, is mastery of color vision! Your nature photos are just breathing with life. Very nice. I wish I could get some nicer backgrounds like you've got here!


    On the aesthetics side of things, I would have liked to see the dragonfly perhaps a little more to the left, just above the bokeh spot just past his "nose".


    Again great coloration.

  1. Very lovely indeed. Green and orange are just in such good taste. I tried a square crop and found it pleasing (I cropped from far left to right, full height. It removed some of the wall, and enhances the foliage (less competition in my eyes). In any case, I enjoy this shot! Good stuff.

    Sunset Gaudemar

    Wow... divinity? The life buoy, the sun rays... very god'esque. Interesting. Though I wish the buoy wasn't bright as it is (flash does that sadly on other such materials such as firemen), it's an original shot I find. Perhaps bringing out the foreground elements a little more, boosting saturation would give this idea even more impact.



    Ok.. I don't wanna know what he's doing.. or going to do... errr. Funny.


    I don't like the shadow behind him, I find it distracting.



    Well well, I can see the similar color tonage from the previous shot. I would recommend you try shooting regular angles for now. It's very hard to make an angled shot work. Especially for certain models.


    I love your background, wow. I would have liked to have the model tilt her chin up, and not looking directly at the camera. Have you tried those?


    Finally, perhaps a little fill flash could have helped bring out a little more detail in the shadowed areas on her.


    The contrasts are excellent. Good choice/vision for this shot colorwise. The wall vs. coat vs hair is nice. I'm not a big fan of the tilted angle. It's interesting, but not sure it works, especially since the model is herself tilted. I'm sure you can produce many oustanding shots with her and that environment, do continue!


    I think the colors are good, but I would like to the head turned towards the camera just a little more. Have you tried a tighter crop, trying to keep the hand and face in the frame only, might be interesting.


    Hey, Montreal! I agree with you, the person does add to the photo, but unfortunately, because he is so far, I'm not sure how many people would pick-up on that. Perhaps if he was standing somewhat closer, and blended-in a little less?



    Looks like this shot was done with a webcam, or shot with a camera, but truely underexposed and levels were adjusted to such an extreme that noise became apparent.


    I find it's got a little bit of a newspaper quality to it, texture-wise/color-wise, almost saying "This is so-and-so, famed artist in her living room...". If the quality/textures weren't there, I might actually not like this photos as much... strange, I know.

    lone outpost


    I think this photo has potential, but it needs to decide what it wants to be, either:


    a) A silhouette, therefore, I would increase the contrast in the shadows until no details/texture is visible




    b) Bring more detail in the foreground, therefore making sure the viewer knows you intentionally did it.


    I would love to see what a panorama style shot would look like... could be interesting too...

  2. Wow Pavlo, really like this shot! Very dynamic and elegant. I would rotate the canvas a little in photoshop to have a straight horizon, but other than that, I really get a eyefull with this one!
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