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Image Comments posted by jeremygray


    I can honestly say I've never seen a bird image quite like this one before. I'm not sure how crazy I am about the processing, but there is definitely creativity here. So for that, kudos! 4/6.


    Excellent! I absolutely love the color of the water, it's almost an unreal color. It's gorgeous. The composition is excellent and there isn't really much that could be different about this photograph to make it better. 6/6.
  1. Thank you very much for taking the time to expand on your original statement, I really appreciate it. I have also done a black and white conversion of this image, and that worked well for me. And I will admit that I have certainly made color adjustments to this image, this is more vibrant than what I actually saw. I guess it really comes down to personal preference. And I will try out some different crops with less sky. Thanks again!
  2. Colors are certainly something I can work on quite easily, so what do you think is wrong with the colors? I appreciate your honesty and would love you to expand a little bit so I can continue to adjust some things with the image. Thanks for your critique! :)


    It's a lovely capture. But, I do have one little nitpick: I wish that the purple tones of the sky in the upper left were also featured in the sky's reflection. Other than that, great capture. Oh, and that little light area on the right edge pulls the eye a little bit. But yeah, great shot.
  3. It's a nice shot. I do find some issues with it though. I find the black area up near the top right corner a bit distracting. I also find, although this may be my monitor, that the white balance is a bit blue. This may have been your intent though, so I'm not seeing that as a major thing. It's just an interesting shot to look at. Nice work.


    P.S. A slightly lower angle might have worked better, but I wasn't there, so there may very well be a legitimate reason for the angle you chose.


    There is a lot of mood in this image; but I really wish the image was more comprehensive of the area. I'm wishing I could see more of the right, and of the left. I feel like the overall composition is just too close. Yet, this doesn't take a lot away from the atmosphere captured. The colors are really nice in this shot. Overall, nice shot.

    Image of time 3

    Well, it is absolutely original. And it's creative. I'm not sure if it really works for me, personally; but I can definitely respect what you did with this work. You might not be able to personally impress me with this work; but I can truly appreciate your creativity. Aesthetics:5, Originality:6.
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