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Posts posted by graham_young1


    <p> </p>

    <p dir="ltr">Hi</p>

    <p dir="ltr">I am trying to find a programme that will allow me to form a DVD slideshow of my images so that I can burn to a disc and post to clients.</p>

    <p dir="ltr">I have been recommended Antimoto as suggested option, which is a web based version. When I had quick go of the trial it was quite slow and I am concerned that with 300 odd images (each at 5- 10mb) in each slideshow this could take a long, long time.</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Does anyone have any recommendations they could make for a programme that can be downloaded so that the slideshow is formed on my PC rather than uploading and forming it on the web? Or it maybe that you have had experience of the web based versions and do not find the uploading of large numbers of big files a problem??</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Either way, any advice or recommendations gratefully received!</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Thanks in advance</p>

    <p dir="ltr"> </p>

    <p dir="ltr">G</p>


  2. <p>

    <p> </p>


    <p dir="ltr">Hi</p>


    <p dir="ltr">I am trying to find a programme that will allow me to form a DVD slideshow of my images so that I can burn to a disc and post to clients.</p>

    <p dir="ltr">I have been recommended Antimoto as suggested option, which is a web based version. When I had quick go of the trial it was quite slow and I am concerned that with 300 odd images (each at 5- 10mb) in each slideshow this could take a long, long time.</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Does anyone have any recommendations they could make for a programme that can be downloaded so that the slideshow is formed on my PC rather than uploading and forming it on the web? Or it maybe that you have had experience of the web based versions and do not find the uploading of large numbers of big files a problem??</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Either way, any advice or recommendations gratefully received!</p>

    <p dir="ltr">I know a lot of wedding photographers use this way of presenting their work hence the posting here.</p>

    <p dir="ltr">Thanks in advance</p>

  3. <p>Thanks for all your responses- some good points raised throughout. I mainly shoot portraiture... with my young family being my reluctant victims! I also mix in as much landscape photography as time allows. When I say 'yesterdays technology' I'm referring to how quickly the models get updated- I totally see the point that most people are making which is basically; the ability and results of the camera will be the same in 2015 as they are now and seeing the results are very good now then there will be little to worry about in 4 years time.<br>

    I like the idea of buying a used D700 and when the update comes out, I can make the decision on whether to buy it based on what (if any) added benefits it will give me... in all likelihood its going to be about £2300 (so about £1000 more than the price of a used D700). So I suppose the real decision to be made is; is the replacement going to be SO good that I want to spend an extra £1000 to get it? Having just typed that sentence, I think I have made up my mind- its almost definitely not going to be worth the extra £1000. <br>

    Why am I moving over to Nikon? Thats probably a topic for a whole new thread but in summary... I borrowed my friends D90 for a couple of weeks and was impressed with the feel of the camera and I think its auto focus was more accurate and reliable. I've not yet invested in any quality glass and so the swap to Nikon is not a major jump for me.</p>

  4. <p>I'm looking to upgrade my SLR and had my eyes on the D700- and I know if I bought one I'd be happy with the results a camera of this caliber gives but... and here's the reason for posting... I can't help but think I'm buying yesterday's technology and should hold out for its replacement.<br>

    I'm not questing the ability of the D700- its just that I'm not likely to replace it for another 4 years and so I'm concerned that its going to be really, really old technology in 2015! I know I might be coming over as a camera snob but thats not the case- I'm not swimming in cash at the moment so when I buy a new bit of kit its a big deal for me...I 'd rather but the RIGHT bit of kit thats got a bit of longevity.<br>

    Any advice you might have to help me in the decision making would help me greatly>>><br>

    Thanks! </p>

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