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Posts posted by allison_leonard

  1. <p>I am looking at purchasing the 7d this month and wanting to know thoughts on a good lens for weddings. I have a

    50mm1.4 that i use 99% of the time for my other photography. I mainly shoot children, families and seniors with

    this lens. I do mostly outdoor but have a small studio in my home. So saying all that. I am doing my first wedding in May

    and am really looking to find what is going to be the best zoom lens for weddings on a 7d....and thoughts ya'

    ll?! Thanks!</p>�

  2. <p>Wow...tons of info on here and I'm trying to sort it all out. I am also looking at purchasing the 7d this month and wanting to know thoughts on a good lens for weddings. I have a 50mm1.4 that i use 99% of the time for my other photography. I mainly shoot children, families and seniors with this lens. I do mostly outdoor but have a small studio in my home. So saying all that. I am really looking to find what is going to be the best zoom lens for weddings on a 7d....and thoughts ya'll?! Thanks!</p>
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