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Posts posted by luis_mozo

  1. Hi Alessandro... I have both lenses (the IS version of the 70-200 2.8L) and acquired them just recently. I agree with the others on the thought that they both have singular or exclusive application particularly suited situation. For portraits, the 85 will give you more flexibility to play around with the DOF though it takes a while to master the f/1.2 but the results will blow you away. The slow focus is manageable but hey, portraits will usually require the subject to be still most of the time anyway. It is a league all its own and nothing compares to the beauty of the bokeh. Simply stunning! So sharp even wide open! No words to describe the dreamy bokeh it's almost like as they say an impressionistic painting. Here's some of my shots I took of my pomeranians one afternoon using the 85 1.2L II @ 1.2 with my ff 1Ds Mk3:




    With regards to the 70-200 2.8L IS, it really depends what kind of fashion shoot - is it an event or studio photoshoot? I generally use the 24-105mm f/4L IS for a staged fashion event simply because I don't want to bring along a monopod with me due to weight of the lens and coz it's hard to position myself to take in obtaining better results. Photos are so vivid, sharp and aperture, well, great but a 3.5 aperture would be nicer! The 24-105 should be unbeatable as a travel lens, though. A lot of professional staged fashion photographers are saying now that the 70-200 4L IS is the one to beat in shoots such as this. But for studio photoshoot, the 2.8L IS version would be the perfect lens. Good luck!

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