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Image Comments posted by savova




    I know that it cannot be perfect at this time of the day, but i tried to work really with the game between the shadows and the light. i loved the way the shadows drew the form of the face and tha light built up a highs and lows.... i didn´t want a normal ordinary portrait...

    about the sharpness... yes, you´re completely right. I forgot applying the unsharp mask... sorry about that :/


    Ricardo, danke nochmal, dass du mein Portfolio durchgeschaut hast! Das Photo wurde im Zug gemacht und ist nicht so passend zum Hochladen, aber ehrlich gesagt, ich mag es und obwohl es nicht mit perfekter Qualität ist, hab ich es hochgeladet... es freut mich , dass es dir auch gefallen hat..

    The Tornado


    What I see on the face is the Anger... anger to destroy..

    But yes, i'm not enthusiastic about the background either... it's the result os the solarizing filtre. Thanks anyway!



    Hei Maria!


    Ton, Maria, please allow me not to agree with you... The human figures give the viewer the feeling how big the scene is... What caught my sight was exactly this - the minimalistic view and the little figures on the horizone..

    Well, at least that is how I am taught to draw dimensions and to consentrate the look of the viewer at the magnitude of what he is seeing/feeling/percieving... (Maria, u mentioned my architectural studies :)) A friend of mine is soo keen on doing such minimalistic stuff... he would be glad to see that!


    Thank u Maria

    And for the graveyard photos... i love them!

    Best wishes!


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