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Posts posted by jon_thomas2

  1. First, a couple of points to clarify...

    1) Mac OS X is a 64-bit architecture. http://www.apple.com/macosx/technology/64bit.html

    2) CS4 will only be 32-bit on OS X, but that won't be an issue for most users including what it sounds like this situation is. http://www.tuaw.com/2008/04/03/photoshop-cs4-64-bit-in-windows-only-32-bit-in-os-x/


    Now to add my two cents to the discussion.


    I grew up learning computers in a mainly Unix environment, moved into the world of Microsoft and eventually took the leap into the world

    of the Mac. This was not just me playing around in Mom's basement with a couple of machines and calling myself an expert. I worked

    with this stuff for a living and was/am very good at it.


    My most recent personal purchases have been Macs and it's what I've been recommending to family and friends. For this discussion,

    it's also what I'd recommend. Why? The Mac "just works". Set up is a snap, things work when you plug them in and it has better tools

    included than anything in the Windows world.


    Not ready to go down the Aperture or Adobe path? Use iPhoto which is a handy entry level tool for cataloging and minor tweaks to

    photos. Go with the Mac.


    Want to spend time working with your photos or even taking them? Go with the Mac.


    If you really enjoy the idea of building a PC, then go that route. I've done it and I enjoy it. But be aware of the time that's going to take--

    first when you build it and later when you're fixing it. If what you really want is to take pictures and work with them on a computer, get

    the Mac. You won't regret it.

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