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Image Comments posted by geofox

    Fighting Finches


    Great Shot!!! What clarity and composition.


    Just a thought: the bird on the left is a male, the one on the right is a female. I just wonder if you're seeing a battle royal or a mating ritual. I much prefer to think they're lovers.


    Great work!

  1. The photo is so touching that I'd like to know more than just technical information. What do you know of this young boy and his situation? Did you just take the picture or did you get involved?



    The first image I've looked at in the New Year and what a beauty! Great mood, great use of light, wonderful composition! Thank you for submitting.






    I love the colors and the way you have utilized the misty background to allow the foreground tree to stand out and to emphasize it's beautiful color.

    The composition, however, I find distracting. I find my eye going back and forth between the two shrubs rather than taking in the whole scene. The rule of thirds might have helped by getting rid of the shrub/tree-top on the right hand side of the photo.

    The composition on your other photos is so great that this one stands out as perhaps a learning experience. I've added your work to my favorites list and do enjoy it. My suggestion on this is only about what, in my humble opinion (is any proffered opinion really ever humble) it's about making something good even better.


    George Foxworth

    Eagle Eye #1

    I love the capture! The use of focus is very effective. And the subject is marvelous. The intensity in those predatory eyes is something to behold. A little bit of a focus issue with the feathers. Slightly sharper depth of field might have helped, but overall quite a picture!


    Not only is the moment captured incredibly well, but the lighting, the colors, and composition are just nearly perfect. What a great shot! I hate to thing of the hours that it took to get this; but then if it were your first try, I'd be really really jealous.



    I want to say up front that these fancy borders aren't my taste. The reason for that is just what I have problems with in this portrait. My eye goes to the border and not to the subject. A nice vignetting would have been much better, I think. I also agree that the lighting is flat. Some work with curves or levels might have improved the lighting. The contrast is flat and the overall picture lacks real definition. I think it has potential, but I'd like to see it without the fancy border and some work done on lighting and contrast.



    I like the concept of this image; the composition, the lacy top. I do, however, find the execution of the pubic area to be almost disturbing. If that is what you were trying for, then you made it. What bothers me is the evidence of shaving, and the very graphic depiction of the vaginal lips. For me, it's too much.

    Sunny romance

    What a great shot for so many reasons. The lighting, composition, colors, mood, softness! In several trips to Venice I've never captured anything like this. Thank you for your great eye.

    Song Sparrow

    I love the central image of the song sparrow, but the background bothers me. I know you have to take the photo where you can, but this is so monocromatic that on my monitor and to my eye, the background detracts. One possibility might be tighther cropping. That said, the focus is spot on, the bird is beautiful.


    I have such mixed feelings about animals in zoos, but I love the expression of intelligence and meeting on the face of the lioness. She seems to be trying to communicate with the boy. A lovely capture of a special moment.


    I love the worts and especially the blue varieties. This is well focused and sharp in detail, but I find it overexposed and too busy in the background. The details in the background are in competition with the wort flower which has very rich colors when not overshot.
  2. After three days at the North Rim I had just about given up on any kind

    of skies. The last morning we were there clouds appeared at sunrise

    and lasted for about forty-five minutes. I was able to find this stark tree

    against the suddenly interesting sky. I'm interested in critique on the

    composition and the mood. Thanks


    A very sensitive photograph. I like the way that you have kept the tone low and almost mystic. Had it been mine, I would probably have made the mistake of trying to lighten the greys. You have taught me something important. Thank you.



    To me, this is a beautiful rendering of a beautiful subject. The isolation of the breast as simply a thing of beauty in itself, draped and simply lighted, comes across as simple appreciation. My only negative thought is that the upper left is completely blown out. I don't think that softer lighting in that quadrant would have lessened the impact of the shot.


    Monument Valley




    I love the shot, the perspective, particulary the relationship of that great moon to the central formation. I'm wondering how much of the moon was post production, and I'd love to see the shot on its own.

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