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Image Comments posted by mccormick

  1. Thanks Pierre. I made several edits from suggestions from a different site, will have to upload the better picture... and just let this one endure the ratings haha. Will make sure to only post photos for critiques here after making suggestions from the other site... since ratings are the new critique here.

    F-20 Eagle missille

    I see the position it is in now, no hole, just long legs - my apologies. You can't tell me the image does not look photoshopped when there was this much controversy over it though; and if we are going to start with the personal attacks, I think that spelling is more embarassing than my comment.



    Yea, I think the busy background and off-frame splash ended up hurting this picture a lot. My remote comes Friday though, so I will be able to try again this weekend! I will definitely use a black background, use a less square container, and experiment with different angles to see what works.


    Thanks for the comments by the way.


    I know haha! That is the one thing I forgot when gathering everything... and did not realize it until after I uploaded all the images. I had a friend drop the objects (tried a variety of items) since I do not yet have a remote release, but once I get one I will try again with the board in the background!

    F-20 Eagle missille

    ... if it is real. I too have a hard time believing this is not photoshopped. The eagle does not match the background at all. Also, am I the only one that thinks the eagle looks like it has a hole in the middle of it's body? You can see it's head and feet, so what is going on inbetween it all, bad photoshopping perhaps?
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