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Posts posted by helge_sch_fer

  1. <p>Hi Michael,<br>

    you got me with the two fences! Cool pics.<br>

    I started laughing at your comment about getting rid of old stuff and ending up with a collection of fd equipment, because I ended up the same.<br>

    In my case I started with the T70 ... now there are two of them and a T80 and T90. I am now waiting for the longer length lenses. So far I am very impressed by the 50/1.2 which I am playing around with the T90 and also on my digital cam. <br>

    Have fun,<br>


  2. Hi Markus,


    you hint sounds very reasonable for me, too. I haven't so far found any of the tutorials that you mentioned, but I am still searching. In addition I have ordered Jürgen Prochnows Rollei Report which includes some Repair Instruction regarding the SLX.

    If you could provide me any links to those tutorials, I would be very glad. Google and I don't get any further


    Kind regards,


  3. Hi Ray,


    thanks for your reply. Battery has taken 650 mA and power output is fine. The camera shoots like a new one using the

    short times. I take this as a hint that something is broken on the electronic side. As soon as possible I am going to buy

    the Rollei Report 5 to get some idea of the electronics. I have searched the web for information about the circuits of the

    slx, but so far I havn't had any success...


    All the best,


  4. Dear Rollei fans out there,


    recently I've got my hands on a "dead" Rollei SLX. After soldering a fresh battery it is alive again. But automatic

    mode is not functioning and like described in an old thread in this place shooting with 4 s or longer gets body

    freezed with mirror in up-position. Turn off/on resets the camera and shooting with faster speed releases the mirror.


    Additionally times between 1/4s and 2 seconds are all about 1/125 s (this is a guess!)


    With 1/8 s or faster set manual shooting seems to work fine (Test film will be developed tomorrow). My question to

    everybody who has yet run into this kind of trouble. Do you have a hint want part of the electronic (?) causes this



    Thanks to everyone, Helge

  5. Hi John and everybody else,


    I realize that the question is quiet old. But recently I got my hands on a "dead" Rollei SLX. After soldering a fresh battery

    it is alive again. But automatic mode is not functioning and like Paul described before shooting with 4 s or longer gets

    body freezed with mirror up. Turn off/on resets the camera and shooting with faster speed releases the mirror.


    Additionally times between 1/4s and 2 seconds are all about 1/125 (this is a guess!)


    With 1/8 s or faster set manual shooting seems to work fine (Test film will be developed tomorrow). My question to John

    and everybody else who has yet run into this kind of trouble. Do you have a hint want part of the electronic causes this



    Thanks to everyone,


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