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Posts posted by matthew_dale

  1. <p>I am looking at buying either the canon or Sigma 24mm 1.4 for weddings. I mainly shoot documentary style so fast and accurate autofocus is important to me, especially in low light situations.</p>

    <p>Does anyone have experience with the autofocus on these lenses and how was it?</p>


  2. <p>Hi, I am a wedding photographer and I currently get clients to sign contract electronically using HelloSign This is basically a locked pdf that they sign with an electronic signature. I am reviewing my costs and as this service costs I was thinking of alternatives. These are my opinions but how do you get clients to sign contracts?</p>

    <p>Email - Different email threads end up in different places and maybe become lost, just a bit messy.</p>

    <p>PDF - Can still be edited so they could change the contract without me knowing. Difficult for clients to add their details to it.</p>

    <p>.DOC - Can be edited so they could change the contract without me knowing.</p>

    <p>Paper - Bulky.</p>

    <p>Thanks for your help.</p>

  3. <p>Hi,<br>

    I know I can print a 10MP image however large I like in reality. However, what I am looking to find out is should I upsize it and how? The images were taken with a Canon 40D and 17-55 or 70-200 lenses so good quality glass.</p>

    <p>So, should I have a look at genuine fractals or is PS good for the job, how does perfect resize compare? Will I need to sharpen the photo afterwards too? I saw a youtube clip of someone using clarify in PS - is unsharp mask just as good?</p>

    <p>I don't have clarify but I do have PS CS6.</p>

    <p>Thanks for your help.</p>

  4. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I have noticed that when I view my photos in Lightroom or on the internet e.g. dropbox, my photos look like I intend them to. However, when I look at them with Windows Live Photo Gallery in Windows 7 they are super noisy.</p>

    <p>Does anyone else have this problem or know of a workaround? I ask because I assume my clients will be looking at my photos in the same way and I don't want them to think they are rubbish.</p>


  5. <p>Hi, I am looking for a vest. Pretty much the only requirement I have is it to have a big pocket that will fit a 70-200 f/2.8. It would be really nice if it was cheap - like £30. Therefore it does not have to be a photography vest, just something with a big pocket.</p>


    <p>I have done some searching but it seems many people do not like vests and I am struggling to find exact models that are any good. It is also hard to find dimensions of the pockets.

    <br />Thanks for your time.</p>

  6. <p>Hi, I have two questions about Pocketwizards</p>

    <p>1. With 580EX II in the TT1 on top of my Canon 40D I cannot go above 1/250 unless I set flash to HSS. Is this normal and how it is meant to be?</p>

    <p>2. It is difficult to change brightness of 430EX II in a remote TT5. I press SET, then + button but can only change by 0.3 or 0.7 before it stops flashing and I have to press SET again to continue. It works fine when not connected to TT5. How do I fix this?</p>

    <p>Thanks for your time.</p>

  7. <p>Hi, I have a Canon 40D and Tokina 11-16 f/2.8. I would really like to buy a filter for it before it gets scratched. I currently have HOYA Pro1 Digital filters (77mm) on my other lenses so I tried one of them on and noticed some degree of vignetting, even at 12mm. I thought I might mention I am in the UK as that sort of limits the shops I can buy filters from.<br /> <br /> I would like people's opinions on what filter to buy for this lens. The only thing I ask is that it has front screw threads to put my lens cap on it.<br /> <br /> Thank you</p>
  8. <p>Hi, I just got some TT5s and there is so much information in the manual it is a little hard to keep up. I have many questions but one (or two) at a time...<br /> <br /> Setup:<br /> Canon 40D, TT5 with 580EX II on camera, TT5 with 430EX II off camera (TT5s are just out of the box - factory settings but 6.0 firmware)<br /> <br /> 1. How do I make the on-camera flash not fire but still get my 430 to fire? Do I need 2 off camera flashes for this to work? I have told the 580 not to flash (as in, press 'zoom' 3 times and switch flash off) but it still flashes.<br /> <br /> 2. If I remotely trigger another camera, will the remote camera trigger at EXACTLY the same time as the control camera? I ask because I want to know if the remote camera catch the same amount of flash, or if triggering is slightly delayed, it will miss the flash and get a black photo.<br /> <br /> Thanks for your help</p>
  9. <p>Hi, usual story, new business... need contracts... can I have some... where do I start... after searching around I have found this book: Business and Legal Forms for Photographers by Tad Crawford.<br>

    <br /><br>

    All I really want to know is, is there a UK equivalent? <br>

    <br /><br>

    Thank you<br /></p>

  10. <p>Thanks for that. I just thought of something else too: Can a Nikon TT1 trigger a Canon TT5? Even if it is just on manual mode?<br /> I ask this because my business partner has Nikon and I have Canon and it would make life cheaper and easier if we could share at least some equipment.</p>


  11. <p>Hi, I was thinking about buying a pocketwizard setup and just had a few questions:<br>

    1. Is the Mini TT1 brand specific? i.e. will a Mini TT1 for Canon work with Nikon Cameras?<br>

    2. If I buy a Mini TT1 for Canon can I attach a Nikon flash on top of it? Will it still be able to use TTL?<br>

    3. Can I attach a Nikon flash to a Canon Flex TT5? Will it still use TTL?</p>

    <p>Thank you for your time</p>

  12. <p>It is not really that I NEED faster recycle times but I thought it would help. I have noticed when doing some events and weddings that in post-processing, many of my photos are black - due to the flash not firing. I was only hoping to reduce the number of black photos taken. I know I could just take fewer continuous photos and choose my moment better but I was also wondering about this option.</p>


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