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Image Comments posted by zolt_n_balogh

  1. I really like this photo. The scene and the composition viewpoint is really great.   My only problem I missing much more sharpness and a bit enhanced colors. Maybe the light wasn't enough and it was windy or the camera couldn't support much megapixel what would needed for this detailful scene.

    In case you don't like to edit photos after shot, then only the sharpness I missing a bit.

    If you have this photo in RAW then try to play with the different light/color settings, that could make the scene more vivid.


    Also for this scene I could imagine some more shot from different angles and playing with the zoom if the camera supports enough zoom (my camera don't).


    All in one: I love the scene and I really like your photo with this composition.



    If I was/am wrong, then really sorry. After I read your respond, I tried to check again.

    Image save in large size -> rotate 180 degree.

    Eyes in reflection 10000% are watching down, reflection of nose not in same degree (I should see one side of the nose much more then another, in reflection its 100% middle), hair touch the cheek not too far from the lips, in reflection goes sideway.


    How can fake it its not question, photo editing with 2 source photo (one photo and one photo reflection). The question only if I'm wrong, then really big problem with my eyes and please accept my true apologise, but if I'm right then why can't you accept. The picture will be still great.


    For me as photo, as composition and as artwork its perfect with a stunning model. 




    I really like this viewpoint. If you have possibility take pictures from here at different times, different weather, at night, and so on..
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