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Image Comments posted by suekopchick

  1. Unbelievable that these places exist! The beauty of the image, for me, lies in the contrast of foreground to background. Think you did it just right. An intensly saturated background would have made the photo heavy, one dimensional, and kind of like a bad "paint-by-numbers" painting. Congrats.
  2. I really like the idea here. Not sure about the high key treatment.. although the blown out highlights add a certain "skeletal" quality like bleached out bones, they prevent me from really exploring the textures and patterns of each room. Do you have one with the missing detail? I'd be interested to compare.


    Great shot! Someone is a good sport to let you take this. Like the palette of colors, and the PS work is an enhancer on this one. I can just see this hanging on a wall somewhere.....
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