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Posts posted by stephanie_costello

  1. <p>I own a Canon 50D and I am very spoiled on the image quality that it gives me. I am looking for a smaller version of my camera, it doesnt and may not give me the same image quality as my 50D but I want my pictures sharp. I also want to be able to have manual controls. So I am debating on a Canon sx200 or Canon G11. The sx 200 is smaller and has wonderful zoom capability which is nice when Im taking photos of my sons little league games. But there is a slight lag when taking a picture. I tested the G11 and it gave a nice images even though it does not have the large zoom that the sx200 has. But when I snapped the picture it took it no lag. I know that the G11 is slightly larger but it can be put in my purse vs. the sx200. So anyone have any suggestion it will be greatly appreciated.</p>
  2. <p><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4037779">Richard Martin</a> - thank you for your response. I guess I feel glad when someone see's it my way. I thought I was imaganing the image quality that I got with the f4 lens. I know I was playing around with the settings on both lens. And can totally see the difference. It could be operator error but I made sure I wasnt going to get the same problem like the 2.8, and I didnt see them when using the 4.<br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2160230">Mike Stemberg</a>- It could possibly be camera shake but to. To see the difference betweent the two?<br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4712871">Mark Kissel</a>-- Im only going to be using this lens outdoors. But it takes nice images inside as well.<br>

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=1506870">Kerry Grim</a>--I think your correct. It really is personal preference. Just like people telling me that there is no difference between the 17-55 f2.8 IS vs. 24-70 f2.8 L. REally there isnt, but I can see the difference in color. Since its me taking the images and may blow pictures up I want the best quality.<br>

    Thank you all for your responses. But im just curious if the 2.8 was bad and needed calibration.</p>

  3. <p>Dan,<br>

    I set them both in the same settings changed the shutter speed, f/stop, iso....on both lens to get the image i am looking for....the f4 gave me the best quality image, as you can see with the image provided. Im looking for the images I took with the f2.8, but I may have deleted them because they were such back quality.<br>

    Let me claify something though. The images on the f2.8 where only good and crisp when set on something, ie counter, table, box, tripod etc.<br>

    So what do you think?</p>

  4. <p>I have had the opportunity to try both lenses. I sold my 70-200mm f2.8 and was looking at a 70-200mm f4 IS. But when I went to look at the 70-200 f4 he thought it had IS but it didnt. The thing is I noticed that the image quality on the f4 was way better than the f2.8. Does anyone know if there is some issue with the f2.8 lens that make the image not as clear as the f4? or could there have been something wrong with the f2.8? Thank you</p><div>00SLdL-108346284.thumb.jpg.1366b2671da2cbc2cb4f7ff9bdd14e62.jpg</div>
  5. <p><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2806359">Yousuf Akhond</a>------yes i used the same iso, f/stop, shutter speed...and i even stayed in the same spot, maybe i moved a bit..<br>

    I want to thank you all for helping me....i did buy the 24-70 and im going to keep the 17-55 for the wide angle...im may take some of you up and look into the 10-22.....but im looking to get the 70-200mm f2.8 IS.....<br>

    But as far as 24-70 vs. 17-55 I have come down to a conclusion. It really is a personal preference and on some shots i get the results I want from the 24-70....im satisfied with my decision and again i want to thank all of you for your help......if anyone still has more info to pass on I will be listening....</p>

  6. <p>Ok, I did what you asked. I took a picture with the 17-55mm & 24-70mm...I look green on the 17-55 and a little soft (i really zoomed in photoshop to see this) but I didnt like how the color of my eyes didnt stand out and my flesh color...whereas the 24-70 brings out the neutral/pinks of my skin....and we took pictures of flowers and the yellows & green popped more with the 24-70.....but i do love my 17-55 because of the IS........oh i should also mention i do have a 50mm f1.4 lens......so im torn....i hate to do this but i will add the pictures i mentioned.....yuk!</p>


  7. <p>Ok, I did what you asked. I took a picture with the 17-55mm & 24-70mm...I look green on the 17-55 and a little soft (i really zoomed in photoshop to see this) but I didnt like how the color of my eyes didnt stand out and my flesh color...whereas the 24-70 brings out the neutral/pinks of my skin....and we took pictures of flowers and the yellows & green popped more with the 24-70.....but i do love my 17-55 because of the IS........oh i should also mention i do have a 50mm f1.4 lens......so im torn....i hate to do this but i will add the pictures i mentioned.....yuk!</p>


  8. <p>Thank Dan. I was just looking at two pictures taken with my lens and the 24-70. And I can see a bit of a difference. I can see more detail in the 24-70. My 17-55 made me look more green/yellow whereas the L lens gave me color. And we took a picture of a flower and the 24-70 gave it more of its color than mine. Well I will still get it and play with it for the next couple of days. If I dont like it I can resell it. Its is currently the cheaper of the lens in my area. The woman who owns it is a professional photographer and does not use the lens at all.<br>

    I guess Im lazy, I dont want to photoshop my pictures for what I want. I just want my lens to do it for me.</p>

  9. <p>Okay I have a Canon 50D. I currently have a 17-55mm....I want to go to an L lens, more of an all around lens. I should say Point and Shoot. I think the L lenses give more of a crisper picture. But my 17-55m collects alot of dust inside the lens, not matter what I try to do to prevent it. But I like that my 17-55 has IS.<br>

    What I want my pictures to look like:</p>


    <li>Shooting Landscape, ie nature, bugs, flower, plant, streams, the sunset/sunrise, beaches etc etc</li>

    <li>I take pictures of my boys and family and friends, I do more so in day time out/inside the house. </li>

    <li>What I want from my pictures is a crisp quality. ex: I want to see the details of a tree branch</li>

    <li>I want to see the vivid COLORS! Blues, from the sky. Browns & yellows of fall. White of the snow. etc.</li>


    <p>So if any of you can help me out asap, I have to tell a couple if I am going to buy their 24-70mm or not. Thanks to all of you.<br>


  10. <p><strong>I want to thank you all for your wonderful responses. I truly value everyones opinion. I have taken some to heart and will consider my options. </strong><br>

    <strong>I want to thank </strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=3989561"><strong>G Dan Mitchell</strong></a><strong>, by far you have made alot of sense with my options. I really appreciate it. Not that you all werent helpful, but he made me see what I guess my uncle was promoting "L lenses are the best!"......</strong><br>

    <strong>So I have concluded that I will be staying with my 17-55, but I may upgrade my 70-300 to a Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS. </strong><br>

    <strong>Anybody want to give me more opinions on that decision. LOL</strong></p>

  11. <p>I have been reading forums on the Canon 24-70mm f2.8 vs. 24-105 f4 both L lenses. <br>

    So here I go.<br>

    What I currently have: Canon 50D, EFS 17-55mm f2.8 (has canon uv haze filter, sharp cut & canon hood), 50mm f1.4, ef 70-300mm f4-5.6 (has b+w uv-haze filter), Gary Fong light sphere II, Canon speedlite 580ex. So thats it.<br>

    NOW: what I was planning to do is to sell the 17-55 to get 24-105 f4 L lens or 24-77 f2.8, take back the 70-300 back to costco and get a 70-200 f2.8 l lens, and keep my 50mm.<br>

    But im torn to what the forums have been saying about 24-70 vs 24-105. I love to carry with me, point and shoot of my kids and friends and family, but love landscape images. I go out riding on my quad and love to get the guys riding around and jumping, but I love my surroundings. There is no vegitation, just vast amount of sand and dunes. But I will get an occasion when I can take a trip up the mountain, peace.<br>

    So what say you all, I value Photo.netians opinion. So opinion/suggest away.<br>


    <a href="http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009181.jpg">http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009181.jpg</a> <br>

    <a href="http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009202.jpg">http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009202.jpg</a> <br>

    <a href="http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009276copy.jpg">http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n253/lazystef/Glamis2009276copy.jpg</a></p>

  12. <p>Hey Mike thank you for that website, i can see the beautiful images capture. They take my breath away. I would love to do that. I can see also the camera and lens used, the shutter speed, f/stop & ISO. Im just wondering how the photographer can GET that picture. Did he have to take multiple to get that one image. But you might tell me EXPERIENCE. But I still want to understand Shutter speed, f/stop & ISO, how in a situation they will work together to get that picture?<br>

    thanks Mike</p>

  13. <p>Thank you for your help. I have tried ALL settings. LOL...and different techniques but i will get 1 out 20 pictures right ( I have an uncle who is a photographer, so I pick his brain alot). I read that the Rebel XSI have some problems with being blurry. Im thinking it could be the lens im using EFS 17-55mm 2.8 IS...Im not sure if thats the reason since i bought it used, maybe there is something wrong with it. I used my 70-300mm 4-5.6 IS and i always get the pictures i want. Any suggestions?</p>

    <p>And I hate that I want the best camera (NOT SURE IF THE 50D IS THE BEST I KNOW THERES GOTTA BE WAY BETTER) when im still learing..LOL</p>

  14. <p>Oh! What I really want to understand is how to make the shutter speed and f/stop work together to get me the pictures I strive for. HELP!<br>

    Do you think the Canon 50D will give me better pictures from my Canon Rebel XSI?</p>


  15. <p>Oh! What I really want to understand is how to make the shutter speed and f/stop work together to get me the pictures I strive for. HELP!<br>

    Do you think the Canon 50D will give me better pictures from my Canon Rebel XSI?</p>


  16. <p>I was reading and alot of forums recommend if there is one lens to have it would be the 70 - 200mm f/2.8L. So Im going to have to collect alot of money to get that. Thank you all for your help.<br>

    But one more question. Can anyone suggest a set setting to take pictures? or it depends on the lighting, surrounding etc. etc. and experience to take quality pictures.</p>


  17. <p>I want to thank you both for responding. I felt like I have been reading alot about the Camera and think I made a wrong decision in purchasing it. Being that im still a baby in this photograpy field. I want to thank you for your expert advice and kind words. It makes me feel better that I have not made the wrong decision. I value my pictures when I get those moments I will forget and I feel have the best camera will keep those memories alive for me.<br>

    It seems like all the lens that I have are good but not great. Its nice to know that. But its seems that the Ef 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM really didnt have much to say on it. Should I get rid of that lens?<br>

    Thank you again.</p>

  18. <p>Do I have to buy L lenses for my 50D? I have EFS 17-55mm 2.8 IS USM, Ef 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM, ef 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 IS USM & EF 5 mm 1:1.4.......Im wondering if these will be okay to use......I have a Rebel XSI and I want to upgrade to a better camera. I want to take alot of pictures of animals, nature, landscapes and my family. Anyone have a suggestion to Idiots Guide to Photography. Thank you Stephanie</p>
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