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mike d.

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Posts posted by mike d.

  1. People want it, therefore it's a good idea. There are plenty of perfectly valid reasons why people would like to see this feature, for example to see what the angle of view for a Canon EF 20/2.8 lens looks like, or to see the DOF and bokeh of a Zeiss 135/2.8 wide open, or to compare for themselves primes vs. zooms.


    Bob's opinion on whether meaningful comparisons can be made this way is, well, unimportant. What is important is enhancing the experience of photo.net for all users, and to make attract more users to become subscribers and support this wonderful site.

  2. A great idea. I have wished for the same thing many times. There would be an issue with equipment labels, but our images in the database already have camera, film/media, and lens data which are menu selected. Could images be cross-referenced by these data fields?


    I believe this is done to a limted extent on one of the Contax users web pages. This would really take photo.net to the next level!

  3. I would spend the $600 on a nice zoom or prime lens addition to your system, and wait for prices on the 10D to plummet into the sub-1K neighborhood in the next 6-12 months. I would save a bit more and splurge on a new Canon 17-40/f4 L USM. This would expand the range of your current lenses and will serve you well when you finally do make the leap to digital (with its smaller sensors and 1.6x focal lentgth factor). Or if your subjects are better served by telephoto, sell get a 70-200/f4 (or f2.8 if you save a bit more or sell some of your consumer lenses). Better glass is going to make much more of a difference in your photography than any new film camera body.
  4. Brent, I saw the same figures that said the 3401 is shorter than the 3221. But when I went into B&H and compared the two side by side, there was no difference. The 3401 is exactly as tall as the 3221 without center post extention. This was important to me because I'm 5'10" and I don't want to stoop to take pictures. The 3401 + head + camera with no center post extention comes exactly to my eye level, just like the 3221 + head + camera combo. Perhaps the differences in the reported figures are due to different center post lengths.

    Anyway, to answer your question, it does have the threaded hole at the top for the strap.

  5. I just bought the newest Bogen tripod, the 3401. (I got the black version because I'm a spineless consumer who wants the cool look.) This tripod has the same specs as the 3021, but you can remove the center column and re-attach it horizontally giving you a lateral arm from which you can shoot straight down. It also comes with a separate short center post that allows the tripod to go almost flat to the ground, much lower than the 3021. Great for macro.




    To make matters more confusing, I got the 3410 compact 3D head. I really like this combination, although I haven't tried to use the lateral arm with the tripod fully extended. 3401-3410, Bogen needs to get a grip with their number system!

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