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Image Comments posted by markku_kivinen

  1. This folder has been my favorite of the whole photo.net community for as long as I can remember. The feeling I got when I first stumbled upon it [the folder] is hard to describe.


    Congratulations Tony, and you deserve a POW for practically every photo in the folder!

    Old Port


    Personaly, I like the way in which the peaceful water reflects the lights and the contrast that you give to ur picture with the powerful sky; although i have a quesiton I've read that this type of effect is obtained by doing multi-exposure of the place while the clouds are moving, did you use this technic, & if so how many shots do you recommend?


    The effect on the sky is obtained by using a long exposure while the clouds are moving, in this case, 45 seconds.


    Thank you for commenting, I appreciate it. I'm glad you like my photo.

  2. Hi Markku, interesting photo; where is this located? I'm in the West Island and not aware of this site.


    This was shot in Old Montreal, right by the edge of the old port. Go check it out, it's a beautiful mix of industrial and modern residential.


    Btw, I'm also in the west island. Judging by your photos, you're somewhere near the Pointe Claire village / Stuart hall? Maybe we could go night shooting sometime.

    Old Port

    Great shot, especially the sky and streaked clouds. Was the moon up (illuminating the clouds) or just light from the city?

    I'm glad you like the photo. As for the clouds, it was the full moon and I was hoping for a clear sky, but when I saw how bright the clouds were, I was glad to be there!

    Interesting shot. Long exposure smearing the moving cloud cover adds a nice feeling of motion, while the blue lights low in the picture imbue the image with an eerie feeling not usually found in a nighttime cityscape shot. I'm not sure if the star filter(?) was required though.

    No star filter was used. The 20mm (do all lenses do this?) tends to make lovely stars at smaller aperatures.

    Thanks for the comments.
  3. I wonder how this would look if hadn't cropped off the top, or cropped less? Just a thought. I find it a little tight at the top. There's a distracting blur near the end of the handle bar, like a bird or something that was moving ...


    I love the contrast, it looks great!


    If you cropped the top part because it was too busy, you could add a "grad" at the top, and fade it out. I don't really know how to explain but ...


    Great job!

    Hard Times.


    I like the feeling, and I get along well with these kinds of people.


    I would have liked to see the entire beer case. I know it's beer, but I think seeing the "Miller" logo on the front would have made it easier to spot.


    Thanks for sharing!



    I'd like to get some pointers or comments on this photo.


    The wolf was behind a fence. I got as close to the fence as possible

    and used the widest aperature possible in an effort to eliminate the

    fence. Did this work?

  4. I have the same problem as you, I don't have the nerve to use my camera when around strangers. Alot of shots or moments I would have loved to keep disapear forever 'cause of this ...


    And btw Ian, beautiful shots all of them, I've been looking at your stuff for a few weeks now, but I hadn't yet commented ... Keep up the good work!



  5. Great atmosphere and contrast. I love the look, but for some reason it looks like the camera wasn't perfectly level when you look at the bottom half of the image, but it looks perfectly straight when you look at the top half.


    Still like looking at it!

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