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Posts posted by claudius_soodeen

  1. <p>Hi<br>

    I have the 100-300mm paired with a G2.<br>

    I haven't used the 100-400 because I don't own a Canon! :)<br>

    However, the lens is a slow lens - but if you're on a tripod and open up all the way and increase your ISO, you can get ok pics.<br>

    I managed to get some surprisingly interesting portrait snapshots with it - one in very low light. However, they were "interesting" not clean or superb or anything like that.<br>

    In bright light it can be tack sharp. In low light - not so much - at least not in my hands!:)<br>

    I got it to shoot nature shots outside, and it's decent for that purpose.<br>

    What are you hoping to use it for?<br>

    Hope this helps a little.<br>


  2. Hi



    I've had something similar happen.

    Does it power up at all?

    If it doesn't power up, it could just be the cct board.

    If you can get an identical drive (model # and series) you might be able to swap cct boards and fire up the failed drive at least to recover your data.


    Or, send it out to a data recovery service.


    I've done both - and once in that order! :)


    Good luck



  3. Hi Liz


    I hear your frustration. There's been some excellent advice given here, so I'll not repeat it.


    You made a comment in your original post about your 'artsy' side.

    Your website shows off some competent portraiture, but nothing 'artsy'.

    Perhaps shooting and processing (photoshop) some photos of landscapes, urban-scapes, still-life, people, etc ...

    that are markedly different could help you out.

    Sometimes people are looking for gifts or collectibles and you might be able to sell some limited edition prints. This

    would bring in some income but also get your name out there.


    Just a thought.

    Please note: I shoot with a Canon S3IS & am not interested in doing photography commercially. However, I've printed

    2 of my most intriguing pics (large) and had them professionally framed. I've shown one high-end framer in my city

    some of my other pics and he loved (maybe that's too strong) what he saw. This was a bit of a boost in confidence

    for me. You might want to do something similar.


    good luck


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