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Posts posted by amin_eftegarie

  1. Hello Matt,<br><br>


    That's an intersting perspective on shockphotography, though I think photography, and especially shockphotography, is too subjective to simply say that it does or doesn't do something to the conscience. You might not be shocked by a skinned monkey, but the fact remains that many people are. I for one, am not disturbed at all while looking at this picture of a skinned monkey, but more am I fascinated and intruiged by the the creative thinking, <b>the brainchild</b>, which in this case is also rather a bit shocking... I find the esthetics of abnormal things very interesting. Wheter it be in the universe, animal behaviour or photography.<br><br>


    So Matt, you have any favourite "shockart" photographers ?

  2. Dear fellow photogs,<br><br>


    There doesn't seem to be much interest in shock art photography here on photo.net, am I wrong ?<br><br>


    For me personally, I find that good creative shockart can be more intruiging and arouse much more curiosity than


    some nicelooking landscapes, for instance.<br>


    So people, who are your favourite shock art photographers ? Perhaps posting a photo with your comment is


    interesting :).<br><br>


    My little kickoff:<br>


    - Andres Serrano<br>


    - Terry Richardson<br><bR>


    <a href="http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/photography/photographer.php?photographerid=ph001&row=19">Nick

    Knight: Please do not click if you don't like to see a monkey without a skin (that died a natural cause in a zoo)</a>

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